
This notebook accompanies the Sunokisis Digital Classics common session on Named Entity Extraction, see https://github.com/SunoikisisDC/SunoikisisDC-2016-2017/wiki/Named-Entity-Extraction-I.

In this notebook we are going to experiment with three different methods for extracting named entities from a Latin text.

Library imports

External modules and libraries can be imported using import statements.

Let's the Natural Language ToolKit (NLTK), the Classical Language ToolKit (CLTK), MyCapytain and some local libraries that are used in this notebook.

In [56]:
# NLTK #
import nltk
from nltk.tag import StanfordNERTagger
# CLTK #
import cltk
from cltk.tag.ner import tag_ner
# MyCapytain #
import MyCapytain 
from MyCapytain.resolvers.cts.api import HttpCTSResolver
from MyCapytain.retrievers.cts5 import CTS
from MyCapytain.common.constants import Mimetypes
# other imports #
import sys
from idai_journals.nlp import sub_leaves

And more precisely, we are using the following versions:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

Let's grab some text

To start with, we need some text from which we'll try to extract named entities using various methods and libraries.

There are several ways of doing this e.g.:

  1. copy and paste the text from Perseus or the Latin Library into a text document, and read it into a variable
  2. load a text from one of the Latin corpora available via cltk (cfr. this blog post)
  3. or load it from Perseus by leveraging its Canonical Text Services API

Let's gor for #3 :)

What's CTS?

CTS URNs stand for Canonical Text Service Uniform Resource Names.

You can think of a CTS URN like a social security number for texts (or parts of texts).

Here are some examples of CTS URNs with different levels of granularity:

  • urn:cts:latinLit:phi0448 (Caesar)
  • urn:cts:latinLit:phi0448.phi001 (Caesar's De Bello Gallico)
  • urn:cts:latinLit:phi0448.phi001.perseus-lat2 DBG Latin edtion
  • urn:cts:latinLit:phi0448.phi001.perseus-lat2:1 DBG Latin edition, book 1
  • urn:cts:latinLit:phi0448.phi001.perseus-lat2:1.1.1 DBG Latin edition, book 1, chapter 1, section 1

How do I find out the CTS URN of a given author or text? The Perseus Catalog is your friend! (crf. e.g. http://catalog.perseus.org/catalog/urn:cts:latinLit:phi0448)

Querying a CTS API

The URN of the Latin [ho messo quella inglese] edition of Caesar's De Bello Gallico is urn:cts:latinLit:phi0448.phi001.perseus-eng1.

In [ ]:
my_passage = "urn:cts:latinLit:phi0448.phi001.perseus-eng2:1"

With this information, we can query a CTS API and get some information about this text.

For example, we can "discover" its canonical text structure, an essential information to be able to cite this text.

In [31]:
# We set up a resolver which communicates with an API available in Leipzig
resolver = HttpCTSResolver(CTS("http://cts.dh.uni-leipzig.de/api/cts/"))

But we can also query the same API and get back the text of a specific text section, for example the entire book 1.

To do so, we need to append the indication of the reference scope (i.e. book 1) to the URN.

In [32]:
# We require some metadata information
textMetadata = resolver.getMetadata("urn:cts:latinLit:phi0448.phi001.perseus-eng2")
# Texts in CTS Metadata have one interesting property : its citation scheme.
# Citation are embedded objects that carries information about how a text can be quoted, what depth it has
print([citation.name for citation in textMetadata.citation])

['Book', 'Chapter']

In [33]:
my_passage = "urn:cts:latinLit:phi0448.phi001.perseus-eng2:1"

So we retrieve the first book of the De Bello Gallico by passing its CTS URN (that we just stored in the variable my_passage) to the CTS API, via the resolver provided by MyCapytains:

In [35]:
passage = resolver.getTextualNode(my_passage)

At this point the passage is available in various formats: text, but also TEI XML, etc.

Thus, we need to specify that we are interested in getting the text only:

In [36]:
de_bello_gallico_book1 = passage.export(Mimetypes.PLAINTEXT)

Let's check that the text is there by printing the content of the variable de_bello_gallico_book1 where we stored it:

In [37]:

All Gaul is divided into three parts, one of which the Belgae inhabit, the Aquitani 
 another, those who in their own language are called Celts , in our Gauls , the third. All these
 differ from each other in language, customs and laws. The river Garonne separates the Gauls from the
 Aquitani ; the Marne and the Seine separate them from the Belgae . Of all these, the
 Belgae are the bravest, because they are furthest from the
 civilization and refinement of [our] Province, and merchants least frequently
 resort to them, and import those things which tend to effeminate the mind; and
 they are the nearest to the Germans , who dwell beyond
 the Rhine , with whom they are continually waging war; for which reason the Helvetii also surpass the rest of the Gauls in valor, as they contend with the Germans in almost daily battles, when they either repel
 them from their own territories, or themselves wage war on their frontiers. One
 part of these, which it has been said that the Gauls 
 occupy, takes its beginning at the river Rhone ; it is bounded by the river Garonne , the ocean, and
 the territories of the Belgae ; it borders, too, on the side of the
 Sequani and the Helvetii , upon the
 river Rhine , and stretches toward the north. The Belgae rises from the
 extreme frontier of Gaul , extend to the lower part
 of the river Rhine ; and look toward the north and the rising sun. Aquitania extends from the river Garonne to the Pyrenaean mountains and to that part of the ocean which
 is near Spain : it looks between the
 setting of the sun, and the north star. Among the Helvetii , Orgetorix was by far
 the most distinguished and wealthy. He, when Marcus Messala and
 Marcus Piso were consuls [ 61 B.C.],
 incited by lust of sovereignty, formed a conspiracy among the nobility, and
 persuaded the people to go forth from their territories with all their
 possessions, [saying] that it would be very easy, since they excelled all in
 valor, to acquire the supremacy of the whole of Gaul . To this he
 the more easily persuaded them, because the Helvetii ,
 are confined on every side by the nature of their situation; on one side by the
 Rhine , a very broad and deep river, which separates the Helvetian 
 territory from the Germans ; on a second side by the
 Jura , a very high mountain, which is [situated] between the
 Sequani and the Helvetii ; on a third
 by the Lake of Geneva , and
 by the river Rhone , which separates our
 Province from the Helvetii . From these circumstances
 it resulted, that they could range less widely, and could less easily make war
 upon their neighbors; for which reason men fond of war [as they were] were
 affected with great regret. They thought, that considering the extent of their
 population, and their renown for warfare and bravery, they had but narrow
 limits, although they extended in length 240, and in breadth 180 [ Roman ] miles. Induced by these considerations, and influenced by the authority of
 Orgetorix , they determined to provide such things as were
 necessary for their expedition-to buy up as great a number as possible of beasts
 of burden and wagons-to make their sowings as large as possible, so that on
 their march plenty of corn might be in store-and to establish peace and
 friendship with the neighboring states. They reckoned that a term of two years
 would be sufficient for them to execute their designs; they fix by decree their
 departure for the third year. Orgetorix is chosen to complete these
 arrangements. He took upon himself the office of embassador to the states: on
 this journey he persuades Casticus , the son of
 Catamantaledes (one of the Sequani , whose father
 had possessed the sovereignty among the people for many years, and had been
 styled "friend" by the senate of the Roman people),
 to seize upon the sovereignty in his own state, which his father had held before
 him, and he likewise persuades Dumnorix , an Aeduan ,
 the brother of Divitiacus , who at that time possessed the chief
 authority in the state, and was exceedingly beloved by the people, to attempt
 the same, and gives him his daughter in marriage. He proves to them that to
 accomplish their attempts was a thing very easy to be done, because he himself
 would obtain the government of his own state; that there was no doubt that the
 Helvetii were the most powerful of the whole of
 Gaul ; he assures them that he will, with his own forces and his own
 army, acquire the sovereignty for them. Incited by this speech, they give a
 pledge and oath to one another, and hope that, when they have seized the
 sovereignty, they will, by means of the three most powerful and valiant nations,
 be enabled to obtain possession of the whole of Gaul . When this scheme was disclosed to the Helvetii by
 informers, they, according to their custom, compelled Orgetorix to
 plead his cause in chains; it was the law that the penalty of being burned by
 fire should await him if condemned. On the day appointed for the pleading of his
 cause, Orgetorix drew together from all quarters to the court, all
 his vassals to the number of ten thousand persons; and led together to the same
 place all his dependents and debtor-bondsmen, of whom he had a great number; by
 means of those he rescued himself from [the necessity of] pleading his cause.
 While the state, incensed at this act, was endeavoring to assert its right by
 arms, and the magistrates were mustering a large body of men from the country,
 Orgetorix died; and there is not wanting a suspicion, as the
 Helvetii think, of his having committed suicide.
 After his death, the Helvetii nevertheless attempt to
 do that which they had resolved on, namely, to go forth from their territories.
 When they thought that they were at length prepared for this undertaking, they
 set fire to all their towns, in number about twelve-to their villages about four
 hundred-and to the private dwellings that remained; they burn up all the corn,
 except what they intend to carry with them; that after destroying the hope of a
 return home, they might be the more ready for undergoing all dangers. They order
 every one to carry forth from home for himself provisions for three months,
 ready ground. They persuade the Rauraci , and the
 Tulingi , and the Latobrigi , their neighbors, to
 adopt the same plan, and after burning down their towns and villages, to set out
 with them: and they admit to their party and unite to themselves as confederates
 the Boii , who had dwelt on the other side of the Rhine , and had crossed over into the Norican territory, and
 assaulted Noreia . There were in all two routes, by which they could go forth from their country one
 through the Sequani narrow and difficult, between Mount Jura and the river Rhone (by which scarcely
 one wagon at a time could be led; there was, moreover, a very high mountain
 overhanging, so that a very few might easily intercept them; the other, through
 our Province, much easier and freer from obstacles, because the Rhone flows between the boundaries of the Helvetii and those of the Allobroges , who had lately
 been subdued, and is in some places crossed by a ford. The furthest town of the
 Allobroges , and the nearest to the territories of the Helvetii , is Geneva . From this town a bridge extends to the Helvetii . They thought that they should either persuade the
 Allobroges , because they did not seem as yet well-affected
 toward the Roman people, or compel them by force to
 allow them to pass through their territories. Having provided every thing for
 the expedition, they appoint a day, on which they should all meet on the bank of
 the Rhone . This day was the
 fifth before the kalends of April [i.e. the 28th of
 March ], in the consulship of Lucius Piso and
 Aulus Gabinius [B.C. 58 .] When it was reported to Caesar that they were attempting
 to make their route through our Province he hastens to set out from the city,
 and, by as great marches as he can, proceeds to Further Gaul , and arrives
 at Geneva . He orders the whole Province [to furnish] as great a number
 of soldiers as possible, as there was in all only one legion in Further Gaul : he orders the bridge at Geneva to be broken down. When the Helvetii are
 apprized of his arrival they send to him, as embassadors, the most illustrious
 men of their state (in which embassy Numeius and
 Verudoctius held the chief place), to say "that it was their
 intention to march through the Province without doing any harm, because they
 had" [according to their own representations,] "no other route: that they
 requested, they might be allowed to do so with his consent." Caesar , inasmuch as he kept in remembrance that Lucius
 Cassius , the consul, had been slain, and his army routed and made to
 pass under the yoke by the Helvetii , did not think
 that [their request] ought to be granted: nor was he of opinion that men of
 hostile disposition, if an opportunity of marching through the Province were
 given them, would abstain from outrage and mischief. Yet, in order that a period
 might intervene, until the soldiers whom he had ordered [to be furnished] should
 assemble, he replied to the ambassadors, that he would take time to deliberate;
 if they wanted any thing, they might return on the day before the ides of
 April [on April 12th]. Meanwhile, with the legion which he had with him and the soldiers which had
 assembled from the Province, he carries along for nineteen [ Roman , not quite eighteen English ] miles a wall, to the
 height of sixteen feet, and a trench, from the Lake of
 Geneva , which flows into the river Rhone , to
 Mount Jura , which separates
 the territories of the Sequani from those of the Helvetii . When that work was finished, he distributes
 garrisons, and closely fortifies redoubts, in order that he may the more easily
 intercept them, if they should attempt to cross over against his will. When the
 day which he had appointed with the embassadors came, and they returned to him;
 he says, that he can not, consistently with the custom and precedent of the
 Roman people, grant any one a passage through the
 Province; and he gives them to understand, that, if they should attempt to use
 violence he would oppose them. The Helvetii , disappointed in this
 hope, tried if they could force a passage (some by means of a bridge of boats
 and numerous rafts constructed for the purpose; others, by the fords of the
 Rhone , where the depth of
 the river was least, sometimes by day, but more frequently by night), but being
 kept at bay by the strength of our works, and by the concourse of the soldiers,
 and by the missiles, they desisted from this attempt. There was left one way, [namely] through the Sequani , by which, on
 account of its narrowness, they could not pass without the consent of the
 Sequani . As they could not of themselves prevail on them, they
 send embassadors to Dumnorix the Aeduan , that through
 his intercession, they might obtain their request from the Sequani .
 Dumnorix , by his popularity and liberality, had great influence
 among the Sequani , and was friendly to the Helvetii , because out of that state he had married the daughter of
 Orgetorix ; and, incited by lust of sovereignty, was anxious for
 a revolution, and wished to have as many states as possible attached to him by
 his kindness toward them. He, therefore, undertakes the affair, and prevails
 upon the Sequani to allow the Helvetii 
 to march through their territories, and arranges that they should give hostages
 to each other-the Sequani not to obstruct the Helvetii in their march-the Helvetii , to
 pass without mischief and outrage. It is again told Caesar , that the Helvetii intended to march through the country of the
 Sequani and the Aedui into the territories of the
 Santones , which are not far distant from those boundaries of
 the Tolosates , which [viz. Tolosa , Toulouse ] is a
 state in the Province. If this took place, he saw that it would be attended with
 great danger to the Province to have warlike men, enemies of the Roman people, bordering upon an open and very fertile
 tract of country. For these reasons he appointed Titus Labienus ,
 his lieutenant, to the command of the fortification which he had made. He
 himself proceeds to Italy by forced marches,
 and there levies two legions, and leads out from winter-quarters three which
 were wintering around Aquileia , and with these five legions marches rapidly by the nearest route across
 the Alps into Further Gaul . Here the
 Centrones and the Graioceli and the
 Caturiges , having taken possession of the higher parts, attempt
 to obstruct the army in their march. After having routed these in several
 battles, he arrives in the territories of the Vocontii in the
 Further Province on the seventh day from Ocelum ,
 which is the most remote town of the Hither Province ; thence he
 leads his army into the country of the Allobroges , and from the
 Allobroges to the Segusiani . These people are the
 first beyond the Province on the opposite side of the Rhone . The Helvetii had by this time led their forces over through the
 narrow defile and the territories of the Sequani , and had arrived
 at the territories of the Aedui , and were ravaging their lands. The
 Aedui , as they could not defend themselves and their
 possessions against them, send embassadors to Caesar to
 ask assistance, [pleading] that they had at all times so well deserved of the
 Roman people, that their fields ought not to have
 been laid waste-their children carried off into slavery-their towns stormed,
 almost within sight of our army. At the same time the Ambarri , the
 friends and kinsmen of the Aedui , apprize Caesar , that it was not easy for them, now that their fields had
 been devastated, to ward off the violence of the enemy from their towns: the
 Allobroges likewise, who had villages and possessions on the
 other side of the Rhone , betake themselves in flight to Caesar , and
 assure him that they had nothing remaining, except the soil of their land. Caesar , induced by these circumstances, decides, that he
 ought not to wait until the Helvetii , after
 destroying all the property of his allies, should arrive among the
 Santones . There is a river [called] the Saone , which flows through the territories of the Aedui and
 Sequani into the Rhone with such incredible slowness, that it can not be determined by the eye
 in which direction it flows. This the Helvetii were
 crossing by rafts and boats joined together. When Caesar was informed by spies that the Helvetii had already conveyed three parts of their forces across
 that river, but that the fourth part was left behind on this side of the Saone , he set out from the camp with three legions during the third watch, and
 came up with that division which had not yet crossed the river. Attacking them
 encumbered with baggage, and not expecting him, he cut to pieces a great part of
 them; the rest betook themselves to flight, and concealed themselves in the
 nearest woods. That canton [which was cut down] was called the
 Tigurine ; for the whole Helvetian state is divided
 into four cantons. This single canton having left their country, within the
 recollection of our fathers, had slain Lucius Cassius the consul,
 and had made his army pass under the yoke. Thus, whether by chance, or by the
 design of the immortal gods, that part of the Helvetian state which
 had brought a signal calamity upon the Roman people,
 was the first to pay the penalty. In this Caesar 
 avenged not only the public but also his own personal wrongs, because the
 Tigurini had slain Lucius Piso the lieutenant [of
 Cassius] , the grandfather of Lucius Calpurnius
 Piso , his [Caesar 's] father-in-law, in the same battle
 as Cassius himself. This battle ended, that he might be able to come up with the remaining forces of
 the Helvetii , he procures a bridge to be made across
 the Saone , and thus leads his army over. The Helvetii , confused by
 his sudden arrival, when they found that he had effected in one day, what they,
 themselves had with the utmost difficulty accomplished in twenty namely, the
 crossing of the river, send embassadors to him; at the head of which embassy was
 Divico , who had been commander of the Helvetii , in the war against Cassius . He thus treats
 with Caesar :-that, "if the Roman people would make peace with the Helvetii they would go to that part and there remain, where Caesar might appoint and desire them to be; but if he
 should persist in persecuting them with war that he ought to remember both the
 ancient disgrace of the Roman people and the
 characteristic valor of the Helvetii . As to his
 having attacked one canton by surprise, [at a time] when those who had crossed
 the river could not bring assistance to their friends, that he ought not on that
 account to ascribe very much to his own valor, or despise them; that they had so
 learned from their sires and ancestors, as to rely more on valor than on
 artifice and stratagem. Wherefore let him not bring it to pass that
 the place, where they were standing, should acquire a name, from the disaster of
 the Roman people and the destruction of their army or
 transmit the remembrance [of such an event to posterity]." To these words Caesar thus replied:-that "on that very
 account he felt less hesitation, because he kept in remembrance those
 circumstances which the Helvetian embassadors had mentioned, and
 that he felt the more indignant at them, in proportion as they had happened
 undeservedly to the Roman people: for if they had
 been conscious of having done any wrong, it would not have been difficult to be
 on their guard, but for that very reason had they been deceived, because neither
 were they aware that any offense had been given by them, on account of which
 they should be afraid, nor did they think that they ought to be afraid without
 cause. But even if he were willing to forget their former outrage, could he also
 lay aside the remembrance of the late wrongs, in that they had against his will
 attempted a route through the Province by force, in that they had molested the
 Aedui , the Ambarri , and the
 Allobroges ? That as to their so insolently boasting of their
 victory, and as to their being astonished that they had so long committed their
 outrages with impunity, [both these things] tended to the same point; for the
 immortal gods are wont to allow those persons whom they wish to punish for their
 guilt sometimes a greater prosperity and longer impunity, in order that they may
 suffer the more severely from a reverse of circumstances. Although these things
 are so, yet, if hostages were to be given him by them in order that he may be
 assured these will do what they promise, and provided they will give
 satisfaction to the Aedui for the outrages which they had committed
 against them and their allies, and likewise to the Allobroges , he
 [ Caesar ] will make peace with them."
 Divico replied, that "the Helvetii 
 had been so trained by their ancestors, that they were accustomed to receive,
 not to give hostages; of that fact the Roman people
 were witness." Having given this reply, he withdrew. On the following day they move their camp from that place; Caesar does the same, and sends forward all his cavalry, to the
 number of four thousand (which he had drawn together from all parts of the
 Province and from the Aedui and their allies), to observe toward
 what parts the enemy are directing their march. These, having too eagerly
 pursued the enemy's rear, come to a battle with the cavalry of the Helvetii in a disadvantageous place, and a few of our
 men fall. The Helvetii , elated with this battle, because they had
 with five hundred horse repulsed so large a body of horse, began to face us more
 boldly, sometimes too from their rear to provoke our men by an attack. Caesar [however] restrained his men from battle, deeming
 it sufficient for the present to prevent the enemy from rapine, forage, and
 depredation. They marched for about fifteen days in such a manner that there was
 not more than five or six miles between the enemy's rear and our van. Meanwhile, Caesar kept daily importuning the
 Aedui for the corn which they had promised in the name of their
 state; for, in consequence of the coldness ( Gaul , being as before said,
 situated toward the north), not only was the corn in the fields not ripe, but
 there was not in store a sufficiently large quantity even of fodder: besides he
 was unable to use the corn which he had conveyed in ships up the river Saone , because the Helvetii , from whom he was
 unwilling to retire had diverted their march from the Saone . The Aedui kept deferring from day to day, and saying that
 it was being collected-brought in-on the road." When he saw that he was put off
 too long, and that the day was close at hand on which he ought to serve out the
 corn to his soldiers;-having called together their chiefs, of whom he had a
 great number in his camp, among them Divitiacus and
 Liscus who was invested with the chief magistracy (whom the
 Aedui style the Vergobretus , and who is elected
 annually and has power of life or death over his countrymen), he severely
 reprimands them, because he is not assisted by them on so urgent an occasion,
 when the enemy were so close at hand, and when [corn] could neither be bought
 nor taken from the fields, particularly as, in a great measure urged by their
 prayers, he had undertaken the war; much more bitterly, therefore does he
 complain of his being forsaken. Then at length Liscus , moved by Caesar 's
 speech, discloses what he had hitherto kept secret:-that there are some whose
 influences with the people is very great, who, though private men, have more
 power than the magistrates themselves: that these by seditions and violent
 language are deterring the populace from contributing the corn which they ought
 to supply; [by telling them] that, if they can not any longer retain the
 supremacy of Gaul , it were better to submit
 to the government of Gauls than of Romans , nor ought they to doubt that, if the Romans should overpower the Helvetii , they would wrest their freedom from the Aedui 
 together with the remainder of Gaul . By these very men, [said
 he], are our plans and whatever is done in the camp, disclosed to the enemy;
 that they could not be restrained by him: nay more, he was well aware, that
 though compelled by necessity, he had disclosed the matter to Caesar , at how great a risk he had done it; and for that reason, he
 had been silent as long as he could." Caesar perceived that by this speech of
 Liscus , Dumnorix , the brother of
 Divitiacus , was indicated; but, as he was unwilling that these
 matters should be discussed while so many were present, he speedily dismisses:
 the council, but detains Liscus : he inquires from him when alone,
 about those things which he had said in the meeting. He [Liscus] 
 speaks more unreservedly and boldly. He [Caesar] makes inquiries on
 the same points privately of others, and discovered that it is all true; that
 " Dumnorix is the person, a man of the highest daring, in great
 favor with the people on account of his liberality, a man eager for a
 revolution: that for a great many years he has been in the habit of contracting
 for the customs and all the other taxes of the Aedui at a small
 cost, because when he bids, no one dares to bid against him. By these means he
 has both increased his own private property, and amassed great means for giving
 largesses; that he maintains constantly at his own expense and keeps about his
 own person a great number of cavalry, and that not only at home, but even among
 the neighboring states, he has great influence, and for the sake of
 strengthening this influence has given his mother in marriage among the
 Bituriges to a man the most noble and most influential there;
 that he has himself taken a wife from among the Helvetii , and has given his sister by the mother's side and his
 female relations in marriage into other states; that he favors and wishes well
 to the Helvetii on account of this connection; and
 that he hates Caesar and the Romans , on his own account, because by their arrival his power was
 weakened, and his brother, Divitiacus , restored to his former
 position of influence and dignity: that, if any thing should happen to the Romans , he entertains the highest hope of gaining the
 sovereignty by means of the Helvetii , but that under
 the government of the Roman people he despairs not
 only of royalty, but even of that influence which he already has." Caesar discovered too, on inquiring into the unsuccessful
 cavalry engagement which had taken place a few days before, that the
 commencement of that flight had been made by Dumnorix and his
 cavalry (for Dumnorix was in command of the cavalry which the
 Aedui had sent for aid to Caesar );
 that by their flight the rest of the cavalry were dismayed. After learning these circumstances, since to these suspicions the most
 unequivocal facts were added, viz., that he had led the Helvetii through the territories of the Sequani ; that
 he had provided that hostages should be mutually given; that he had done all
 these things, not only without any orders of his [Caesar 's] and of
 his own state's, but even without their [the Aedui] knowing any
 thing of it themselves; that he [ Dumnorix ] was reprimanded: by the
 [chief] magistrate of the Aedui ; he [ Caesar ] considered that there was sufficient reason, why he should
 either punish him himself, or order the state to do so. One thing [however]
 stood in the way of all this-that he had learned by experience his brother
 Divitiacus 's very high regard for the Roman people, his great affection toward him, his distinguished
 faithfulness, justice, and moderation; for he was afraid lest by the punishment
 of this man, he should hurt the feelings of Divitiacus . Therefore,
 before he attempted any thing, he orders Divitiacus to be summoned
 to him, and, when the ordinary interpreters had been withdrawn, converses with
 him through Caius Valerius Procillus , chief of the province of
 Gaul , an intimate friend of his, in whom he reposed the highest
 confidence in every thing; at the same time he reminds him of what was said
 about Dumnorix in the council of the Gauls , when he himself was present, and shows what each had said of
 him privately in his [Caesar 's] own presence; he begs and exhorts
 him, that, without offense to his feelings, he may either himself pass judgment
 on him [ Dumnorix ] after trying the case, or else order the
 [ Aeduan ] state to do so. Divitiacus , embracing Caesar , begins to
 implore him, with many tears, that "he would not pass any very severe sentence
 upon his brother; saying, that he knows that those charges are true, and that
 nobody suffered more pain on that account than he himself did; for when he
 himself could effect a very great deal by his influence at home and in the rest
 of Gaul , and he [ Dumnorix ] very little on account of his
 youth, the latter had become powerful through his means, which power and
 strength he used not only to the lessening of his [ Divitiacus ]
 popularity, but almost to his ruin; that he, however, was influenced both by
 fraternal affection and by public opinion. But if any thing very severe from
 Caesar should befall him [ Dumnorix ],
 no one would think that it had been done without his consent, since he himself
 held such a place in Caesar 's friendship: from which
 circumstance it would arise, that the affections of the whole of Gaul would be estranged from him." As he was with tears begging
 these things of Caesar in many words, Caesar takes his right hand, and, comforting him, begs him to make
 an end of entreating, and assures him that his regard for him is so great, that
 he forgives both the injuries of the republic and his private wrongs, at his
 desire and prayers. He summons Dumnorix to him; he brings in his
 brother; he points out what he censures in him; he lays before him what he of
 himself perceives, and what the state complains of; he warns him for the future
 to avoid all grounds of suspicion; he says that he pardons the past, for the
 sake of his brother, Divitiacus . He sets spies over
 Dumnorix that he may be able to know what he does, and with
 whom he communicates. Being on the same day informed by his scouts, that the enemy had encamped at the
 foot of a mountain eight miles from his own camp; he sent persons to ascertain
 what the nature of the mountain was, and of what kind the ascent on every side.
 Word was brought back, that it was easy. During the third watch he orders
 Titus Labienus , his lieutenant with praetorian powers, to
 ascend to the highest ridge of the mountain with two legions, and with those as
 guides who had examined the road; he explains what his plan is. He himself
 during the fourth watch, hastens to them by the same route by which the enemy
 had gone, and sends on all the cavalry before him. Publius
 Considius , who was reputed to be very experienced in military
 affairs, and had been in the army of Lucius Sulla , and afterward in
 that of Marcus Crassus , is sent forward with the scouts. At day-break, when the summit of the mountain was in the possession of
 Titus Labienus , and he himself was not further off than a mile
 and half from the enemy's camp, nor, as he afterward ascertained from the
 captives, had either his arrival or that of Labienus been
 discovered; Considius , with his horse at full gallop, comes up to
 him says that the mountain which he [ Caesar ] wished
 should be seized by Labienus , is in possession of the enemy; that
 he has discovered this by the Gallic arms and ensigns. Caesar leads off his forces to the next hill: [and] draws
 them up in battle-order. Labienus , as he had been ordered by Caesar not to come to an engagement unless
 [Caesar 's] own forces were seen near the enemy's camp, that the
 attack upon the enemy might be made on every side at the same time, was, after
 having taken possession of the mountain, waiting for our men, and refraining
 from battle. When, at length, the day was far advanced, Caesar learned through spies, that the mountain was in possession of
 his own men, and that the Helvetii had moved their
 camp, and that Considius , struck with fear, had reported to him, as
 seen, that which he had not seen. On that day he follows the enemy at his usual
 distance, and pitches his camp three miles from theirs. The next day (as there remained in all only two day's space [to the time] when he
 must serve out the corn to his army, and as he was not more than eighteen miles
 from Bibracte , by far the largest and best-stored town of the Aedui ), he
 thought that he ought to provide for a supply of corn; and diverted his march
 from the Helvetii , and advanced rapidly to Bibracte . This circumstance is reported to the enemy by some deserters from
 Lucius Aemilius , a captain, of the Gallic horse.
 The Helvetii , either because they thought that the Romans , struck with terror, were retreating from them,
 the more so, as the day before, though they had seized on the higher grounds,
 they had not joined battle or because they flattered themselves that they might
 be cut of from the provisions, altering their plan and changing their route,
 began to pursue, and to annoy our men in the rear. Caesar , when he observes this, draws off his forces to
 the next hill, and sent the cavalry to sustain the attack of the enemy. He
 himself, meanwhile, drew up on the middle of the hill a triple line of his four
 veteran legions in such a manner, that he placed above him on the very summit
 the two legions, which he had lately levied in Hither Gaul , and all the
 auxiliaries; and he ordered that the whole mountain should be covered with men,
 and that meanwhile the baggage should be brought together into one place, and
 the position be protected by those who were posted in the upper line. The
 Helvetii having followed with all their wagons, collected their
 baggage into one place: they themselves, after having repulsed our cavalry and
 formed a phalanx, advanced up to our front line in very close order. Caesar , having removed out of sight first his own horse,
 then those of all, that he might make the danger of a11 equal, and do away with
 the hope of flight, after encouraging his men, joined battle. His soldiers
 hurling their javelins from the higher ground, easily broke the enemy's phalanx.
 That being dispersed, they made a charge on them with drawn swords. It was a
 great hinderance to the Gauls in fighting, that, when
 several of their bucklers had been by one stroke of the ( Roman ) javelins pierced through and pinned fast together, as the
 point of the iron had bent itself, they could neither pluck it out, nor, with
 their left hand entangled, fight with sufficient ease; so that many, after
 having long tossed their arm about, chose rather to cast away the buckler from
 their hand, and to fight with their person unprotected. At length, worn out with
 wounds, they began to give way, and, as there was in the neighborhood a mountain
 about a mile off, to betake themselves thither. When the mountain had been
 gained, and our men were advancing up, the Boii and
 Tulingi , who with about 15,000 men closed the enemy's line of
 march and served as a guard to their rear, having assailed our men on the
 exposed flank as they advanced [prepared] to surround them; upon seeing which,
 the Helvetii who had betaken themselves to the
 mountain, began to press on again and renew the battle. The Romans 
 having faced about, advanced to the attack in two divisions; the first and
 second line, to withstand those who had been defeated and driven off the field;
 the third to receive those who were just arriving. Thus, was the contest long and vigorously carried on with doubtful success. When
 they could no longer withstand the attacks of our men, the one division, as they
 had begun to do, betook themselves to the mountain; the other repaired to their
 baggage and wagons. For during the whole of this battle, although the fight
 lasted from the seventh hour [i.e. 12 (noon) 1 P. M.] to eventide, no one could
 see an enemy with his back turned. The fight was carried on also at the baggage
 till late in the night, for they had set wagons in the way as a rampart, and
 from the higher ground kept throwing weapons upon our men, as they came on, and
 some from between the wagons and the wheels kept darting their lances and
 javelins from beneath, and wounding our men. After the fight had lasted some
 time, our men gained possession of their baggage and camp. There the daughter
 and one of the sons of Orgetorix was taken. After the battle about
 130,000 men [of the enemy] remained alive, who marched incessantly during the
 whole of that night; and after a march discontinued for no part of the night,
 arrived in the territories of the Lingones on the fourth day, while our men, having stopped for three days, both on
 account of the wounds of the soldiers and the burial of the slain, had not been
 able to follow them. Caesar sent letters and messengers
 to the Lingones [with orders] that they should not assist them with corn or with any
 thing else; for that if they should assist them, he would regard them in the
 same light as the Helvetii . After the three days'
 interval he began to follow them himself with all his forces. The Helvetii , compelled by the want of every thing, sent embassadors
 to him about a surrender. When these had met him on the way and had thrown
 themselves at his feet, and speaking in suppliant tone had with tears sued for
 peace, and [when] he had ordered them to await his arrival, in the place, where
 they then were, they obeyed his commands. When Caesar 
 arrived at that place, he demanded hostages, their arms, and the slaves who had
 deserted to them. While those things are being sought for and got together,
 after a night's interval, about 6000 men of that canton which is called the
 Verbigene , whether terrified by fear, lest after delivering up
 their arms, they should suffer punishment, or else induced by the hope of
 safety, because they supposed that, amid so vast a multitude of those who had
 surrendered themselves, their flight might either be concealed or entirely
 overlooked, having at night-fall departed out of the camp of the Helvetii , hastened to the Rhine and the territories of the Germans .
 But when Caesar discovered this, he commanded those
 through whose territory they had gone, to seek them out and to bring them back
 again, if they meant to be acquitted before him; and considered them, when
 brought back, in the light of enemies; he admitted all the rest to a surrender,
 upon their delivering up the hostages, arms, and deserters. He ordered the Helvetii , the Tulingi , and the
 Latobrigi , to return to their territories from which they had
 come, and as there was at home nothing whereby they might support their hunger,
 all the productions of the earth having been destroyed, he commanded the
 Allobroges to let them have a plentiful supply of corn; and
 ordered them to rebuild the towns and villages which they had burned. This he
 did, chiefly, on this account, because he was unwilling that the country, from
 which the Helvetii had departed, should be
 untenanted, lest the Germans , who dwell on the other
 side of the Rhine , should, on account of the excellence of the lands, cross over from
 their own territories into those of the Helvetii , and
 become borderers upon the province of Gaul and the
 Allobroges . He granted the petition of the Aedui ,
 that they might settle the Boii , in their own (i. e. in the
 Aeduan ) territories, as these were known to be of distinguished
 valor, to whom they gave lands, and whom they afterward admitted to the same
 state of rights and freedom as themselves. In the camp of the Helvetii , lists were found, drawn
 up in Greek characters, and were brought to Caesar , in which an estimate had been drawn up, name by
 name, of the number which had gone forth from their country of those who were
 able to bear arms; and likewise the boys, the old men, and the women,
 separately. Of all which items the total was: Of the Helvetii [lit. of the heads of the
 Helvetii] 263,000 Of the Tulingi 36,000 Of the Latobrigi 14,000 Of the Rauraci 23,000 Of the Boii 32,000 The sum of all amounted to 368,000 Out of these, such as could bear arms, [amounted] to about 92,000. When
 the census of those who returned home was taken, as Caesar had commanded, the number was found to be 110,000. When the war with the Helvetii was concluded,
 embassadors from almost all parts of Gaul , the chiefs of states,
 assembled to congratulate Caesar , [saying] that they
 were well aware, that, although he had taken vengeance on the Helvetii in war, for the old wrong done by them to the
 Roman people, yet that circumstance had happened
 no less to the benefit of the land of Gaul than of the Roman people, because the Helvetii , while their affairs were most flourishing, had quitted
 their country with the design of making war upon the whole of Gaul , and seizing the government of it, and selecting, out of a
 great abundance, that spot for an abode, which they should judge to be the most
 convenient and most productive of all Gaul , and hold the rest of the
 states as tributaries. They requested that they might be allowed to proclaim an
 assembly of the whole of Gaul for a particular day, and
 to do that with Caesar 's permission, [stating] that
 they had some things which, with the general consent, they wished to ask of him.
 This request having been granted, they appointed a day for the assembly, and
 ordained by an oath with each other, that no one should disclose [their
 deliberations] except those to whom this [office] should be assigned by the
 general assembly. When that assembly was dismissed, the same chiefs of states, who had before been
 to Caesar , returned, and asked that they might be
 allowed to treat with him privately (in secret) concerning the safety of
 themselves and of all. That request having been obtained, they all threw
 themselves in tears at Caesar 's feet, [saying] that
 they no less begged and earnestly desired that what they might say should not be
 disclosed, than that they might obtain those things which they wished for;
 inasmuch as they saw, that, if a disclosure was made, they should be put to the
 greatest tortures. For these Divitiacus the Aeduan 
 spoke and told him: "That there were two parties in the whole of Gaul : that the Aedui stood at the head of one of these,
 the Arverni of the other. After these had been violently struggling
 with one another for the superiority for many years, it came to pass that the
 Germans were called in for hire by the
 Arverni and the Sequani . That about 15,000 of them
 [i.e. of the Germans] had at first crossed the Rhine : but after that these wild and savage men had become enamored of the
 lands and the refinement and the abundance of the Gauls , more were brought over, that there were now as many as
 120,000 of them in Gaul : that with these the
 Aedui and their dependents had repeatedly struggled in
 arms-that they had been routed, and had sustained a great calamity-had lost all
 their nobility, all their senate, all their cavalry. And that broken by such
 engagements and calamities, although they had formerly been very powerful in
 Gaul , both from their own valor and from the Roman people's hospitality and friendship, they were now compelled
 to give the chief nobles of their state, as hostages to the
 Sequani , and to bind their state by an oath, that they would
 neither demand hostages in return, nor supplicate aid from the Roman people, nor refuse to be forever under their sway
 and empire. That he was the only one out of all the state of the
 Aedui , who could not be prevailed upon to take the oath or to
 give his children as hostages. On that account he had fled from his state and
 had gone to the senate at Rome to beseech aid, as he alone was bound neither by oath nor hostages. But
 a worse thing had befallen the victorious Sequani than the
 vanquished Aedui , for Ariovistus the king of the Germans , had settled in their territories, and had
 seized upon a third of their land, which was the best in the whole of Gaul , and was now ordering them to depart from another third part,
 because a few months previously 24,000 men of the Harudes had come
 to him, for whom room and settlements must be provided. The consequence would
 be, that in a few years they would all be driven from the territories of Gaul , and all the Germans would cross the
 Rhine ; for neither must the land of Gaul be compared with the land
 of the Germans , nor must the habit of living of the
 latter be put on a level with that of the former. Moreover, [as for]
 Ariovistus , no sooner did he defeat the forces of the Gauls in a battle which took place at Magetobria , than [he began] to lord it haughtily and
 cruelly, to demand as hostages the children of all the principal nobles, and
 wreak on them every kind of cruelty, if every thing was not done at his nod or
 pleasure; that he was a savage, passionate, and reckless man, and that his
 commands could no longer be borne. Unless there was some aid in Caesar and the Roman people,
 the Gauls must all do the same thing that the Helvetii have done, [viz.] emigrate from their country,
 and seek another dwelling place, other settlements remote from the Germans , and try whatever fortune may fall to their
 lot. If these things were to be disclosed to Ariovistus ,
 [Divitiacus adds] that he doubts not that he would inflict the
 most severe punishment on all the hostages who are in his possession, [and says]
 that Caesar could, either by his own influence and by
 that of his army, or by his late victory, or by name of the Roman people, intimidate him, so as to prevent a greater number of
 Germans being brought over the Rhine , and could protect all Gaul from the outrages of
 Ariovistus . When this speech had been delivered by Divitiacus , all who were
 present began with loud lamentation to entreat assistance of Caesar . Caesar noticed that the
 Sequani were the only people of all who did none of those
 things which the others did, but, with their heads bowed down, gazed on the
 earth in sadness. Wondering what was the reason of this conduct, he inquired of
 themselves. No reply did the Sequani make, but silently continued
 in the same sadness. When he had repeatedly inquired of them and could not
 elicit any answer at all, the same Divitiacus the
 Aeduan answered, that-"the lot of the Sequani was
 more wretched and grievous than that of the rest, on this account, because they
 alone durst not even in secret complain or supplicate aid; and shuddered at the
 cruelty of Ariovistus [even when] absent, just as if he were
 present; for, to the rest, despite of every thing there was an opportunity of
 flight given; but all tortures must be endured by the Sequani , who
 had admitted Ariovistus within their territories, and whose towns
 were all in his power." Caesar , on being informed of these things, cheered the
 minds of the Gauls with his words, and promised that
 this affair should be an object of his concern, [saying] that he had great hopes
 that Ariovistus , induced both by his kindness and his power, would
 put an end to his oppression. After delivering this speech, he dismissed the
 assembly; and, besides those statements, many circumstances induced him to think
 that this affair ought to be considered and taken up by him; especially as he
 saw that the Aedui , styled [as they had been] repeatedly by the
 senate "brethren" and "kinsmen," were held in the thraldom and dominion of the
 Germans , and understood that their hostages were
 with Ariovistus and the Sequani , which in so mighty an
 empire [as that] of the Roman people he considered
 very disgraceful to himself and the republic. That, moreover, the Germans should by degrees become accustomed to cross
 the Rhine , and that a great body of them should come into Gaul , he saw [would
 be] dangerous to the Roman people, and judged, that
 wild and savage men would not be likely to restrain themselves, after they had
 possessed themselves of all Gaul , from going forth into the
 province and thence marching into Italy (as the
 Cimbri and Teutones had done before them),
 particularly as the Rhone [was the sole barrier that] separated the Sequani from our
 province. Against which events he thought he ought to provide as speedily as
 possible. Moreover, Ariovistus , for his part, had assumed to
 himself such pride and arrogance, that he was felt to be quite insufferable.
 He therefore determined to send embassadors to Ariovistus to demand
 of him to name some intermediate spot for a conference between the two, [saying]
 that he wished to treat him on state-business and matters of the highest
 importance to both of them. To this embassy Ariovistus replied,
 that if he himself had had need of any thing from Caesar , he would have gone to him; and that if Caesar wanted any thing from him he ought to come to him. That,
 besides, neither dare he go without an army into those parts of Gaul which Caesar had possession of, nor
 could he, without great expense and trouble, draw his army together to one
 place; that to him, moreover, it appeared strange, what business either Caesar or the Roman people at
 all had in his own Gaul , which he had conquered in
 war. When these answers were reported to Caesar , he sends
 embassadors to him a second time with this message. "Since, after having been
 treated with so much kindness by himself and the Roman people (as he had in his consulship been styled 'king and
 friend' by the senate [ 59 B.C.]), he makes this
 recompense to [ Caesar ] himself and the Roman people, [viz.] that when invited to a conference
 he demurs, and does not think that it concerns him to advise and inform himself
 about an object of mutual interest, these are the things which he requires of
 him; first, that he do not any more bring over any body of men across the Rhine into Gaul ; in the next place, that he
 restore the hostages, which he has from the Aedui , and grant the
 Sequani permission to restore to them with his consent those
 hostages which they have, and that he neither provoke the Aedui by
 outrage nor make war upon them or their allies; if he would accordingly do
 this," [Caesar says] that "he himself and the Roman people will entertain a perpetual feeling of favor and
 friendship toward him; but that if he [ Caesar ] does not
 obtain [his desires] that he (forasmuch as in the consulship of Marcus
 Messala and Marcus Piso [ 61 
 B.C.] the senate had decreed that, whoever should have the administration of the
 province of Gaul should, as far as he could
 do so consistently with the interests of the republic, protect the
 Aedui and the other friends of the Roman people), will not overlook the wrongs of the
 Aedui ." To this Ariovistus replied, that "the right of war was, that they
 who had conquered should govern those whom they had conquered, in what manner
 they pleased; that in that way the Roman people were
 wont to govern the nations which they had conquered, not according to the
 dictation of any other, but according to their own discretion. If he for his
 part did not dictate to the Roman people as to the
 manner in which they were to exercise their right, he ought not to be obstructed
 by the Roman people in his right; that the
 Aedui , inasmuch as they had tried the fortune of war and had
 engaged in arms and been conquered, had become tributaries to him; that Caesar was doing a great injustice, in that by his
 arrival he was making his revenues less valuable to him; that he should not
 restore their hostages to the Aedui , but should not make war
 wrongfully either upon them or their allies, if they abided by that which had
 been agreed on, and paid their tribute annually: if they did not continue to do
 that, the Roman people's name of 'brothers' would
 avail them naught. As to Caesar 's threatening him, that
 he would not overlook the wrongs of the Aedui , [he said] that no
 one had ever entered into a contest with him [ Ariovistus ] without
 utter ruin to himself. That Caesar might enter the
 lists when he chose; he would feel what the invincible Germans , well-trained [as they were] beyond all others to arms, who
 for fourteen years had not been beneath a roof, could achieve by their valor."
 At the same time that this message was delivered to Caesar , embassadors came from the Aedui and the Treviri ; from the Aedui to complain that the Harudes ,
 who had lately been brought over into Gaul , were ravaging their
 territories; that they had not been able to purchase peace from
 Ariovistus , even by giving hostages: and from the Treviri , [to state] that a hundred cantons of the Suevi had
 encamped on the banks of the Rhine , and were attempting to cross it; that the brothers, Nasuas 
 and Cimberius , headed them. Being greatly alarmed at these things,
 Caesar thought that he ought to use all dispatch,
 lest, if this new band of Suevi should unite with the old troops of
 Ariovistus , he [ Ariovistus ] might be less easily
 withstood. Having therefore, as quickly as he could, provided a supply of corn,
 he hastened to Ariovistus by forced marches. When he had proceeded three days' journey, word was brought to him that
 Ariovistus was hastening with all his forces to seize on Vesontio , which is the largest town of the Sequani , and had advanced
 three days' journey from its territories. Caesar 
 thought that he ought to take the greatest precautions lest this should happen,
 for there was in that town a most ample supply of every thing which was
 serviceable for war; and so fortified was it by the nature of the ground, as to
 afford a great facility for protracting the war, inasmuch as the river Doubs almost surrounds the whole town, as though it were traced round it with
 a pair of compasses. A mountain of great height shuts in the remaining space,
 which is not more than 600 feet, where the river leaves a gap, in such a manner
 that the roots of that mountain extend to the river's bank on either side. A
 wall thrown around it makes a citadel of this [mountain], and connects it with
 the town. Hither Caesar hastens by forced marches by
 night and day, and, after having seized the town, stations a garrison there.
 While he is tarrying a few days at Vesontio , on account of corn and provisions; from the inquiries of our men and
 the reports of the Gauls and traders (who asserted
 that the Germans were men of huge stature, of
 incredible valor and practice in arms-that oftentimes they, on encountering
 them, could not bear even their countenance, and the fierceness of their
 eyes)-so great a panic on a sudden seized the whole army, as to discompose the
 minds and spirits of all in no slight degree. This first arose from the tribunes
 of the soldiers, the prefects and the rest, who, having followed Caesar from the city [ Rome ] from motives of friendship, had no great experience in military
 affairs. And alleging, some of them one reason, some another, which they said
 made it necessary for them to depart, they requested that by his consent they
 might be allowed to withdraw; some, influenced by shame, stayed behind in order
 that they might avoid the suspicion of cowardice. These could neither compose
 their countenance, nor even sometimes check their tears: but hidden in their
 tents, either bewailed their fate, or deplored with their comrades the general
 danger. Wills were sealed universally throughout the whole camp. By the
 expressions and cowardice of these men, even those who possessed great
 experience in the camp, both soldiers and centurions, and those [the decurions]
 who were in command of the cavalry, were gradually disconcerted. Such of them as
 wished to be considered less alarmed, said that they did not dread the enemy,
 but feared the narrowness of the roads and the vastness of the forests which lay
 between them and Ariovistus , or else that the supplies could not be
 brought up readily enough. Some even declared to Caesar , that when he gave orders for the camp to be moved and the troops
 to advance, the soldiers would not be obedient to the command, nor advance in
 consequence of their fear. When Caesar observed these things, having called a
 council, and summoned to it the centurions of all the companies, he severely
 reprimanded them, "particularly, for supposing that it belonged to them to
 inquire or conjecture, either in what direction they were marching, or with what
 object. That Ariovistus , during his [Caesar 's]
 consulship [ 59 B.C.], had most anxiously sought after
 the friendship of the Roman people; why should any
 one judge that he would so rashly depart from his duty? He for his part was
 persuaded, that, when his demands were known and the fairness of the terms
 considered, he would reject neither his nor the Roman 
 people's favor. But even if, driven on by rage and madness, he should make war
 upon them, what after all were they afraid of?-or why should they despair either
 of their own valor or of his zeal? Of that enemy a trial had been made within
 our fathers' recollection, when, on the defeat of the Cimbri and
 Teutones by Caius Marius , the army was regarded as
 having deserved no less praise than their commander himself. It had been made
 lately, too, in Italy , during the
 rebellion of the slaves, whom, however, the experience and training which they
 had received from us, assisted in some respect. From which a judgment might be
 formed of the advantages which resolution carries with it inasmuch as those whom
 for some time they had groundlessly dreaded when unarmed, they had afterward
 vanquished, when well armed and flushed with success. In short, that these were
 the same men whom the Helvetii , in frequent
 encounters, not only in their own territories, but also in theirs [the
 German] , have generally vanquished, and yet can not have been a
 match for our army. If the unsuccessful battle and flight of the Gauls disquieted any, these, if they made inquiries,
 might discover that, when the Gauls had been tired
 out by the long duration of the war, Ariovistus , after he had many
 months kept himself in his camp and in the marshes, and had given no opportunity
 for an engagement, fell suddenly upon them, by this time despairing of a battle
 and scattered in all directions, and was victorious more through stratagem and
 cunning than valor. But though there had been room for such stratagem against
 savage and unskilled men, not even [ Ariovistus ] himself expected
 that thereby our armies could be entrapped. That those who ascribed their fear
 to a pretense about the [deficiency of] supplies and the narrowness of the
 roads, acted presumptuously, as they seemed either to distrust their general's
 discharge of his duty, or to dictate to him. That these things were his concern;
 that the Sequani , the Leuci , and the Lingones were to furnish the corn; and that it was already ripe in the fields;
 that as to the road they would soon be able to judge for themselves. As to its
 being reported that the soldiers would not be obedient to command, or advance,
 he was not at all disturbed at that; for he knew, that in the case of all those
 whose army had not been obedient to command, either upon some mismanagement of
 an affair, fortune had deserted them, or, that upon some crime being discovered,
 covetousness had been clearly proved [against them]. His integrity had been seen
 throughout his whole life, his good fortune in the war with the Helvetii . That he would therefore instantly set about
 what he had intended to put off till a more distant day, and would break up his
 camp the next night, in the fourth watch, that he might ascertain, as soon as
 possible, whether a sense of honor and duty, or whether fear had more influence
 with them. But that, if no one else should follow, yet he would go with only the
 tenth legion, of which he had no misgivings, and it should be his praetorian
 cohort." This legion Caesar had both greatly favored,
 and in it, on account of its valor, placed the greatest confidence. Upon the delivery of this speech, the minds of all were changed in a surprising
 manner, and the highest ardor and eagerness for prosecuting the war were
 engendered; and the tenth legion was the first to return thanks to him, through
 their military tribunes, for his having expressed this most favorable opinion of
 them; and assured him that they were quite ready to prosecute the war. Then, the
 other legions endeavored, through their military tribunes and the centurions of
 the principal companies, to excuse themselves to Caesar , [saying] that they had never either doubted or feared, or
 supposed that the determination of the conduct of the war was theirs and not
 their general's. Having accepted their excuse, and having had the road carefully
 reconnoitered by Divitiacus , because in him of all others he had
 the greatest faith [he found] that by a circuitous route of more than fifty
 miles he might lead his army through open parts; he then set out in the fourth
 watch, as he had said [he would]. On the seventh day, as he did not discontinue
 his march, he was informed by scouts that the forces of Ariovistus 
 were only four and twenty miles distant from ours. Upon being apprized of Caesar 's arrival,
 Ariovistus sends embassadors to him, [saying] that what he had
 before requested as to a conference, might now, as far as his permission went,
 take place, since he [ Caesar ] had approached nearer,
 and he considered that he might now do it without danger. Caesar did not reject the proposal and began to think that he was
 now returning to a rational state of mind as he spontaneously proffered that
 which he had previously refused to him when requesting it; and was in great
 hopes that, in consideration of his own and the Roman 
 people's great favors toward him, the issue would be that he would desist from
 his obstinacy upon his demands being made known. The fifth day after that was
 appointed as the day of conference. Meanwhile, as ambassadors were being often
 sent to and fro between them, Ariovistus demanded that Caesar should not bring any foot-soldier with him to the
 conference, [saying] that "he was afraid of being ensnared by him through
 treachery; that both should come accompanied by cavalry; that he would not come
 on any other condition." Caesar , as he neither wished
 that the conference should, by an excuse thrown in the way, be set aside, nor
 durst trust his life to the cavalry of the Gauls ,
 decided that it would be most expedient to take away from the
 Gallic cavalry all their horses, and thereon to mount the
 legionary soldiers of the tenth legion, in which he placed the greatest
 confidence, in order that he might have a body-guard as trustworthy as possible,
 should there be any need for action. And when this was done, one of the soldiers
 of the tenth legion said, not without a touch of humor, "that Caesar did more for them than he had promised; he had promised to
 have the tenth legion in place of his praetorian cohort; but he now converted
 them into horse." There was a large plain, and in it a mound of earth of considerable size. This
 spot was at nearly an equal distance from both camps. Thither , as
 had been appointed, they came for the conference. Caesar stationed the legion, which he had brought [with him] on
 horseback, 200 paces from this mound. The cavalry of Ariovistus 
 also took their stand at an equal distance. Ariovistus then
 demanded that they should confer on horseback, and that, besides themselves,
 they should bring with them ten men each to the conference. When they were come
 to the place, Caesar , in the opening of his speech,
 detailed his own and the senate's favors toward him [ Ariovistus ],
 in that he had been styled king, in that [he had been styled] friend, by the
 senate-in that very considerable presents had been sent him; which circumstance
 he informed him had both fallen to the lot of few, and had usually been bestowed
 in consideration of important personal services; that he, although he had
 neither an introduction, nor a just ground for the request, had obtained these
 honors through the kindness and munificence of himself [ Caesar ] and the senate. He informed him too, how old and how just
 were the grounds of connection that existed between themselves [the
 Romans] and the Aedui , what decrees of the senate
 had been passed in their favor, and how frequent and how honorable; how from
 time immemorial the Aedui had held the supremacy of the whole of
 Gaul ; even [said Caesar] before they had sought our
 friendship; that it was the custom of the Roman 
 people to desire not only that its allies and friends should lose none of their
 property, but be advanced in influence, dignity, and honor: who then could
 endure that what they had brought with them to the friendship of the Roman people should be torn from them?" He then made
 the same demands which he had commissioned the embassadors to make, that
 [ Ariovistus ] should not make war either upon the
 Aedui or their allies, that he should restore the hostages;
 that if he could not send back to their country any part of the Germans , he should at all events suffer none of them
 any more to cross the Rhine . Ariovistus briefly replied to the demands of Caesar ; but expatiated largely on his own virtues, "that he had
 crossed the Rhine not of his own accord, but on being invited and sent for by the Gauls ; that he had not left home and kindred without
 great expectations and great rewards; that he had settlements in Gaul , granted by the Gauls themselves;
 that the hostages had been given by their good-will; that he took by right of
 war the tribute which conquerors are accustomed to impose on the conquered; that
 he had not made war upon the Gauls , but the Gauls upon him; that all the states of Gaul came to attack him, and had encamped against him; that all
 their forces had been routed and beaten by him in a single battle; that if they
 chose to make a second trial, he was ready to encounter them again; but if they
 chose to enjoy peace, it was unfair to refuse the tribute, which of their own
 free-will they had paid up to that time. That the friendship of the Roman people ought to prove to him an ornament and a
 safeguard, not a detriment; and that he sought it with that expectation. But if
 through the Roman people the tribute was to be
 discontinued, and those who surrendered to be seduced from him, he would
 renounce the friendship of the Roman people no less
 heartily than he had sought it. As to his leading over a host of Germans into Gaul , that he was doing this
 with a view of securing himself, not of assaulting Gaul : that there
 was evidence of this, in that he did not come without being invited, and in that
 he did not make war, but merely warded it off. That he had come into Gaul before the Roman people. That never
 before this time did a Roman army go beyond the
 frontiers of the province of Gaul . What [said he] does [ Caesar ] desire?- why come into his
 [ Ariovistus ] domains?-that this was his province of Gaul , just as that is ours. As it ought not to be pardoned in him,
 if he were to make an attack upon our territories; so, likewise, that we were
 unjust, to obstruct him in his prerogative. As for Caesar 's saying that the Aedui had been styled
 'brethren' by the senate, he was not so uncivilized nor so ignorant of affairs,
 as not to know that the Aedui in the very last war with the
 Allobroges had neither rendered assistance to the Romans , nor received any from the Roman people in the struggles which the Aedui had been
 maintaining with him and with the Sequani . He must feel suspicious,
 that Caesar , though feigning friendship as the reason
 for his keeping an army in Gaul , was keeping it with the
 view of crushing him. And that unless he depart and withdraw his army from these
 parts, he shall regard him not as a friend, but as a foe; and that, even if he
 should put him to death, he should do what would please many of the nobles and
 leading men of the Roman people; he had assurance of
 that from themselves through their messengers, and could purchase the favor and
 the friendship of them all by his [Caesar 's] death. But if he would
 depart and resign to him the free possession of Gaul , he would
 recompense him with a great reward, and would bring to a close whatever wars he
 wished to be carried on, without any trouble or risk to him." Many things were stated by Caesar to the effect [to
 show]; "why he could not waive the business, and that neither his nor the Roman people's practice would suffer him to abandon
 most meritorious allies, nor did he deem that Gaul belonged to
 Ariovistus rather than to the Roman 
 people; that the Arverni and the Ruteni had been
 subdued in war by Quintus Fabius Maximus , and that the Roman people had pardoned them and had not reduced them
 into a province or imposed a tribute upon them. And if the most ancient period
 was to be regarded-then was the sovereignty of the Roman people in Gaul most just: if the decree of
 the Senate was to be observed, then ought Gaul to be free, which they [the
 Romans] had conquered in war, and had permitted to enjoy its
 own laws." While these things are being transacted in the conference it was announced to
 Caesar that the cavalry of Ariovistus 
 were approaching nearer the mound, and were riding up to our men, and casting
 stones and weapons at them. Caesar made an end of his
 speech and betook himself to his men; and commanded them that they should by no
 means return a weapon upon the enemy. For though he saw that an engagement with
 the cavalry would be without any danger to his chosen legion, yet he did not
 think proper to engage, lest, after the enemy were routed, it might be said that
 they had been insnared by him under the sanction of a conference. When it was
 spread abroad among the common soldiery with what haughtiness
 Ariovistus had behaved at the conference, and how he had
 ordered the Romans to quit Gaul , and how his
 cavalry had made an attack upon our men, and how this had broken off the
 conference, a much greater alacrity and eagerness for battle was infused into
 our army. Two days after, Ariovistus sends embassadors to Caesar , to state "that he wished to treat with him about those
 things which had been begun to be treated of between them, but had not been
 concluded;" [and to beg] that "he would either again appoint a day for a
 conference; or, if he were not willing to do that, that he would send one of his
 [officers] as an embassador to him." There did not appear to Caesar any good reason for holding a conference; and the more so as
 the day before the Germans could not be restrained
 from casting weapons at our men. He thought he should not without great danger
 send to him as embassador one of his [ Roman ]
 officers, and should expose him to savage men. It seemed [therefore] most proper
 to send to him C. Valerius Procillus , the son of C. Valerius Caburus , a young man of the highest courage
 and accomplishments (whose father had been presented with the freedom of the
 city by C. Valerius Flaccus ), both on account of his
 fidelity and on account of his knowledge of the Gallic language,
 which Ariovistus , by long practice, now spoke fluently; and because
 in his case the Germans would have no motive for
 committing violence; and [as his colleague] M. Mettius ,
 who had shared the hospitality of Ariovistus . He commissioned them
 to learn what Ariovistus had to say, and to report to him. But when
 Ariovistus saw them before him in his camp, he cried out in the
 presence of his army, "Why were they come to him? Was it for the purpose of
 acting as spies?" He stopped them when attempting to speak, and cast them into
 chains. The same day he moved his camp forward and pitched under a hill six miles from
 Caesar 's camp. The day following he led his forces
 past Caesar 's camp, and encamped two miles beyond him;
 with this design that he might cut off Caesar from the
 corn and provisions, which might be conveyed to him from the
 Sequani and the Aedui . For five successive days
 from that day, Caesar drew out his forces before the
 camp, and put them in battle order, that, if Ariovistus should be
 willing to engage in battle, an opportunity might not be wanting to him.
 Ariovistus all this time kept his army in camp: but engaged
 daily in cavalry skirmishes. The method of battle in which the Germans had practiced themselves was this. There were
 6,000 horse, and as many very active and courageous foot, one of whom each of
 the horse selected out of the whole army for his own protection. By these [foot]
 they were constantly accompanied in their engagements; to these the horse
 retired; these on any emergency rushed forward; if any one, upon receiving a
 very severe wound, had fallen from his horse, they stood around him: if it was
 necessary to advance further than usual, or to retreat more rapidly, so great,
 from practice, was their swiftness, that, supported by the manes of the horses,
 they could keep pace with their speed. Perceiving that Ariovistus kept himself in camp, Caesar , that he might not any longer be cut off from provisions,
 chose a convenient position for a camp beyond that place in which the Germans had encamped, at about 600 paces from them, and
 having drawn up his army in three lines, marched to that place. He ordered the
 first and second lines to be under arms; the third to fortify the camp. This
 place was distant from the enemy about 600 paces, as has been stated.
 Thither Ariovistus sent light troops, about 16,000 men in
 number, with all his cavalry; which forces were to intimidate our men, and
 hinder them in their fortification. Caesar 
 nevertheless, as he had before arranged, ordered two lines to drive off the
 enemy: the third to execute the work. The camp being fortified, he left there
 two legions and a portion of the auxiliaries; and led back the other four
 legions into the larger camp. The next day, according to his custom, Caesar led out
 his forces from both camps, and having advanced a little from the larger one,
 drew up his line of battle, and gave the enemy an opportunity of fighting. When
 he found that they did not even then come out [from their intrenchments,] he led
 back his army into camp about noon. Then at last Ariovistus sent
 part of his forces to attack the lesser camp. The battle was vigorously
 maintained on both sides till the evening. At sunset, after many wounds had been
 inflicted and received, Ariovistus led back his forces into camp.
 When Caesar inquired of his prisoners, wherefore
 Ariovistus did not come to an engagement, he discovered this to
 be the reason-that among the Germans it was the
 custom for their matrons to pronounce from lots and divination, whether it were
 expedient that the battle should be engaged in or not; that they had said, "that
 it was not the will of heaven that the Germans should
 conquer, if they engaged in battle before the new moon." The day following, Caesar left what seemed sufficient as
 a guard for both camps; [and then] drew up all the auxiliaries in sight of the
 enemy, before the lesser camp, because he was not very powerful in the number of
 legionary soldiers, considering the number of the enemy; that [thereby] he might
 make use of his auxiliaries for appearance. He himself, having drawn up his army
 in three lines, advanced to the camp of the enemy. Then at last of necessity the
 Germans drew their forces out of camp, and
 disposed them canton by canton, at equal distances, the Harudes ,
 Marcomanni , Tribocci , Vangiones ,
 Nemetes , Sedusii , Suevi ; and
 surrounded their whole army with their chariots and wagons, that no hope might
 be left in flight. On these they placed their women, who, with disheveled hair
 and in tears, entreated the soldiers, as they went forward to battle, not to
 deliver them into slavery to the Romans . Caesar appointed over each legion a lieutenant and a
 questor, that every one might have them as witnesses of his valor. He himself
 began the battle at the head of the right wing, because he had observed that
 part of the enemy to be the least strong. Accordingly our men, upon the signal
 being given, vigorously made an attack upon the enemy, and the enemy so suddenly
 and rapidly rushed forward, that there was no time for casting the javelins at
 them. Throwing aside [therefore] their javelins, they fought with swords hand to
 hand. But the Germans , according to their custom,
 rapidly forming a phalanx, sustained the attack of our swords. There were found
 very many of our soldiers who leaped upon the phalanx, and with their hands tore
 away the shields, and wounded the enemy from above. Although the army of the
 enemy was routed on the left wing and put to flight, they [still] pressed
 heavily on our men from the right wing, by the great number of their troops. On
 observing which, P. Crassus , a young man, who commanded
 the cavalry-as he was more disengaged than those who were employed in the
 fight-sent the third line as a relief to our men who were in distress.
 Thereupon the engagement was renewed, and all the enemy turned their backs, nor
 did they cease to flee until they arrived at the river Rhine , about fifty miles from that place. There some few, either relying on
 their strength, endeavored to swim over, or, finding boats, procured their
 safety. Among the latter was Ariovistus , who meeting with a small
 vessel tied to the bank, escaped in it; our horse pursued and slew all the rest
 of them. Ariovistus had two wives, one a Suevan by
 nation, whom he brought with him from home; the other a Norican ,
 the sister of king Vocion , whom he had married in Gaul , she having been sent [thither for that purpose] by her
 brother. Both perished in that flight. Of their two daughters, one was slain,
 the other captured. C. Valerius Procillus , as he was
 being dragged by his guards in the fight, bound with a triple chain, fell into
 the hands of Caesar himself, as he was pursuing the
 enemy with his cavalry. This circumstance indeed afforded Caesar no less pleasure than the victory itself; because he saw a
 man of the first rank in the province of Gaul , his intimate acquaintance
 and friend, rescued from the hand of the enemy, and restored to him, and that
 fortune had not diminished aught of the joy and exultation [of that day] by his
 destruction. He [Procillus] said that, in his own presence, the
 lots had been thrice consulted respecting him, whether he should immediately be
 put to death by fire, or be reserved for another time: that by the favor of the
 lots he was uninjured. M. Mettius , also, was found and
 brought back to him [Caesar .] This battle having been reported beyond the Rhine , the Suevi , who had come to the banks of that river, began
 to return home, when the Ubii , who dwelt nearest to the Rhine , pursuing them, while much alarmed, slew a great number of them. Caesar having concluded two very important wars in one
 campaign, conducted his army into winter quarters among the
 Sequani , a little earlier than the season of the year required. He
 appointed Labienus over the winter-quarters, and set out in person
 for Hither Gaul to hold the assizes.

The text that we have just fetched by using a programming interface (API) can also be viewed in the browser. [HOW CAN I SEE THE TEXT, LIKE IN THE COMMON SESSION?]

Or even imported as an iframe into this notebook!

In [ ]:
from IPython.display import IFrame
IFrame('http://cts.dh.uni-leipzig.de/read/latinLit/phi0448/phi001/perseus-eng2/1', width=1000, height=350)

Let's see how many words (tokens, more properly) there are in Caesar's De Bello Gallico I:

In [ ]:
len(de_bello_gallico_book1.split(" "))

Very simple baseline

Now let's write what in NLP jargon is called a baseline, that is a method for extracting named entities that can serve as a term of comparison to evaluate the accuracy of other methods.

Baseline method:

  • cycle through each token of the text
  • if the token starts with a capital letter it's a named entity (only one type, i.e. Entity)

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [42]:
# we need a list to store the tagged tokens
tagged_tokens = []

# tokenisation is done by using the string method `split(" ")` 
# that splits a string upon white spaces
for n, token in enumerate(de_bello_gallico_book1.split(" ")):
        tagged_tokens.append((token, "Entity"))
        tagged_tokens.append((token, "O"))

Let's a havea look at the first 50 tokens that we just tagged:

In [43]:

[('All', 'Entity'),
 ('Gaul', 'Entity'),
 ('is', 'O'),
 ('divided', 'O'),
 ('into', 'O'),
 ('three', 'O'),
 ('parts,', 'O'),
 ('one', 'O'),
 ('of', 'O'),
 ('which', 'O'),
 ('the', 'O'),
 ('Belgae', 'Entity'),
 ('inhabit,', 'O'),
 ('the', 'O'),
 ('Aquitani', 'Entity'),
 ('\n', 'O'),
 ('another,', 'O'),
 ('those', 'O'),
 ('who', 'O'),
 ('in', 'O'),
 ('their', 'O'),
 ('own', 'O'),
 ('language', 'O'),
 ('are', 'O'),
 ('called', 'O'),
 ('Celts', 'Entity'),
 (',', 'O'),
 ('in', 'O'),
 ('our', 'O'),
 ('Gauls', 'Entity'),
 (',', 'O'),
 ('the', 'O'),
 ('third.', 'O'),
 ('All', 'Entity'),
 ('these\n', 'O'),
 ('differ', 'O'),
 ('from', 'O'),
 ('each', 'O'),
 ('other', 'O'),
 ('in', 'O'),
 ('language,', 'O'),
 ('customs', 'O'),
 ('and', 'O'),
 ('laws.', 'O'),
 ('The', 'Entity'),
 ('river', 'O'),
 ('Garonne', 'Entity'),
 ('separates', 'O'),
 ('the', 'O'),
 ('Gauls', 'Entity')]

For convenience we can also wrap our baseline code into a function that we call extract_baseline. Let's define it:

In [44]:
def extract_baseline(input_text):
    :param input_text: the text to tag (string)
    :return: a list of tuples, where tuple[0] is the token and tuple[1] is the named entity tag
    # we need a list to store the tagged tokens
    tagged_tokens = []

    # tokenisation is done by using the string method `split(" ")` 
    # that splits a string upon white spaces
    for n, token in enumerate(input_text.split(" ")):
            tagged_tokens.append((token, "Entity"))
            tagged_tokens.append((token, "O")) 
    return tagged_tokens

And now we can call it like this:

In [45]:
tagged_tokens_baseline = extract_baseline(de_bello_gallico_book1)

In [46]:

[('of', 'O'),
 ('them.', 'O'),
 ('Caesar', 'Entity'),
 ('having', 'O'),
 ('concluded', 'O'),
 ('two', 'O'),
 ('very', 'O'),
 ('important', 'O'),
 ('wars', 'O'),
 ('in', 'O'),
 ('one\n', 'O'),
 ('campaign,', 'O'),
 ('conducted', 'O'),
 ('his', 'O'),
 ('army', 'O'),
 ('into', 'O'),
 ('winter', 'O'),
 ('quarters', 'O'),
 ('among', 'O'),
 ('the\n', 'O'),
 ('Sequani', 'Entity'),
 (',', 'O'),
 ('a', 'O'),
 ('little', 'O'),
 ('earlier', 'O'),
 ('than', 'O'),
 ('the', 'O'),
 ('season', 'O'),
 ('of', 'O'),
 ('the', 'O'),
 ('year', 'O'),
 ('required.', 'O'),
 ('He\n', 'Entity'),
 ('appointed', 'O'),
 ('Labienus', 'Entity'),
 ('over', 'O'),
 ('the', 'O'),
 ('winter-quarters,', 'O'),
 ('and', 'O'),
 ('set', 'O'),
 ('out', 'O'),
 ('in', 'O'),
 ('person\n', 'O'),
 ('for', 'O'),
 ('Hither', 'Entity'),
 ('Gaul', 'Entity'),
 ('to', 'O'),
 ('hold', 'O'),
 ('the', 'O'),
 ('assizes.', 'O')]

We can modify slightly our function so that it prints the snippet of text where an entity is found:

In [47]:
def extract_baseline(input_text):
    :param input_text: the text to tag (string)
    :return: a list of tuples, where tuple[0] is the token and tuple[1] is the named entity tag
    # we need a list to store the tagged tokens
    tagged_tokens = []

    # tokenisation is done by using the string method `split(" ")` 
    # that splits a string upon white spaces
    for n, token in enumerate(input_text.split(" ")):
            tagged_tokens.append((token, "Entity"))
            context = input_text.split(" ")[n-5:n+5]
            print("Found entity \"%s\" in context \"%s\""%(token, " ".join(context)))
            tagged_tokens.append((token, "O"))  
    return tagged_tokens

In [48]:
tagged_text_baseline = extract_baseline(de_bello_gallico_book1)

Found entity "All" in context ""
Found entity "Gaul" in context ""
Found entity "Belgae" in context "parts, one of which the Belgae inhabit, the Aquitani 
Found entity "Aquitani" in context "which the Belgae inhabit, the Aquitani 
 another, those who"
Found entity "Celts" in context "their own language are called Celts , in our Gauls"
Found entity "Gauls" in context "called Celts , in our Gauls , the third. All"
Found entity "All" in context "our Gauls , the third. All these
 differ from each"
Found entity "The" in context "in language, customs and laws. The river Garonne separates the"
Found entity "Garonne" in context "customs and laws. The river Garonne separates the Gauls from"
Found entity "Gauls" in context "The river Garonne separates the Gauls from the
 Aquitani ;"
Found entity "Aquitani" in context "separates the Gauls from the
 Aquitani ; the Marne and"
Found entity "Marne" in context "from the
 Aquitani ; the Marne and the Seine separate"
Found entity "Seine" in context "; the Marne and the Seine separate them from the"
Found entity "Belgae" in context "Seine separate them from the Belgae . Of all these,"
Found entity "Of" in context "them from the Belgae . Of all these, the
Found entity "Belgae" in context ". Of all these, the
 Belgae are the bravest, because"
Found entity "Province," in context "civilization and refinement of [our] Province, and merchants least frequently
Found entity "Germans" in context "are the nearest to the Germans , who dwell beyond
Found entity "Rhine" in context ", who dwell beyond
 the Rhine , with whom they"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "war; for which reason the Helvetii also surpass the rest"
Found entity "Gauls" in context "surpass the rest of the Gauls in valor, as they"
Found entity "Germans" in context "as they contend with the Germans in almost daily battles,"
Found entity "One
" in context "wage war on their frontiers. One
 part of these, which"
Found entity "Gauls" in context "has been said that the Gauls 
 occupy, takes its"
Found entity "Rhone" in context "its beginning at the river Rhone ; it is bounded"
Found entity "Garonne" in context "is bounded by the river Garonne , the ocean, and
Found entity "Belgae" in context "and
 the territories of the Belgae ; it borders, too,"
Found entity "Sequani" in context "on the side of the
 Sequani and the Helvetii ,"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "of the
 Sequani and the Helvetii , upon the
Found entity "Rhine" in context "Helvetii , upon the
 river Rhine , and stretches toward"
Found entity "The" in context "and stretches toward the north. The Belgae rises from the
Found entity "Belgae" in context "stretches toward the north. The Belgae rises from the
Found entity "Gaul" in context "from the
 extreme frontier of Gaul , extend to the"
Found entity "Rhine" in context "lower part
 of the river Rhine ; and look toward"
Found entity "Aquitania" in context "north and the rising sun. Aquitania extends from the river"
Found entity "Garonne" in context "Aquitania extends from the river Garonne to the Pyrenaean mountains"
Found entity "Pyrenaean" in context "the river Garonne to the Pyrenaean mountains and to that"
Found entity "Spain" in context "the ocean which
 is near Spain : it looks between"
Found entity "Among" in context "sun, and the north star. Among the Helvetii , Orgetorix"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "the north star. Among the Helvetii , Orgetorix was by"
Found entity "Orgetorix" in context "star. Among the Helvetii , Orgetorix was by far
Found entity "He," in context "the most distinguished and wealthy. He, when Marcus Messala and
Found entity "Marcus" in context "distinguished and wealthy. He, when Marcus Messala and
 Marcus Piso"
Found entity "Messala" in context "and wealthy. He, when Marcus Messala and
 Marcus Piso were"
Found entity "Marcus" in context "He, when Marcus Messala and
 Marcus Piso were consuls ["
Found entity "Piso" in context "when Marcus Messala and
 Marcus Piso were consuls [ 61"
Found entity "B.C.],
" in context "Piso were consuls [ 61 B.C.],
 incited by lust of"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "supremacy of the whole of Gaul . To this he
Found entity "To" in context "the whole of Gaul . To this he
 the more"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "easily persuaded them, because the Helvetii ,
 are confined on"
Found entity "Rhine" in context "on one side by the
 Rhine , a very broad"
Found entity "Helvetian" in context "deep river, which separates the Helvetian 
 territory from the"
Found entity "Germans" in context "Helvetian 
 territory from the Germans ; on a second"
Found entity "Jura" in context "a second side by the
 Jura , a very high"
Found entity "Sequani" in context "which is [situated] between the
 Sequani and the Helvetii ;"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "between the
 Sequani and the Helvetii ; on a third
Found entity "Lake" in context "on a third
 by the Lake of Geneva , and
Found entity "Geneva" in context "third
 by the Lake of Geneva , and
 by the"
Found entity "Rhone" in context ", and
 by the river Rhone , which separates our
Found entity "Province" in context "Rhone , which separates our
 Province from the Helvetii ."
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "separates our
 Province from the Helvetii . From these circumstances
Found entity "From" in context "Province from the Helvetii . From these circumstances
 it resulted,"
Found entity "They" in context "were
 affected with great regret. They thought, that considering the"
Found entity "Roman" in context "and in breadth 180 [ Roman ] miles. Induced by"
Found entity "Induced" in context "180 [ Roman ] miles. Induced by these considerations, and"
Found entity "Orgetorix" in context "influenced by the authority of
 Orgetorix , they determined to"
Found entity "They" in context "friendship with the neighboring states. They reckoned that a term"
Found entity "Orgetorix" in context "departure for the third year. Orgetorix is chosen to complete"
Found entity "He" in context "chosen to complete these
 arrangements. He took upon himself the"
Found entity "Casticus" in context "on
 this journey he persuades Casticus , the son of
Found entity "Catamantaledes" in context "Casticus , the son of
 Catamantaledes (one of the Sequani"
Found entity "Sequani" in context "of
 Catamantaledes (one of the Sequani , whose father
Found entity "Roman" in context "by the senate of the Roman people),
 to seize upon"
Found entity "Dumnorix" in context "him, and he likewise persuades Dumnorix , an Aeduan ,
Found entity "Aeduan" in context "likewise persuades Dumnorix , an Aeduan ,
 the brother of"
Found entity "Divitiacus" in context "Aeduan ,
 the brother of Divitiacus , who at that"
Found entity "He" in context "him his daughter in marriage. He proves to them that"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "was no doubt that the
 Helvetii were the most powerful"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "powerful of the whole of
 Gaul ; he assures them"
Found entity "Incited" in context "acquire the sovereignty for them. Incited by this speech, they"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "possession of the whole of Gaul . When this scheme"
Found entity "When" in context "the whole of Gaul . When this scheme was disclosed"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "scheme was disclosed to the Helvetii by
 informers, they, according"
Found entity "Orgetorix" in context "according to their custom, compelled Orgetorix to
 plead his cause"
Found entity "On" in context "should await him if condemned. On the day appointed for"
Found entity "Orgetorix" in context "the pleading of his
 cause, Orgetorix drew together from all"
Found entity "While" in context "necessity of] pleading his cause.
 While the state, incensed at"
Found entity "Orgetorix" in context "of men from the country,
 Orgetorix died; and there is"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "wanting a suspicion, as the
 Helvetii think, of his having"
Found entity "After" in context "of his having committed suicide.
 After his death, the Helvetii"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "suicide.
 After his death, the Helvetii nevertheless attempt to
Found entity "When" in context "go forth from their territories.
 When they thought that they"
Found entity "They" in context "ready for undergoing all dangers. They order
 every one to"
Found entity "They" in context "for three months,
 ready ground. They persuade the Rauraci ,"
Found entity "Rauraci" in context "ready ground. They persuade the Rauraci , and the
Found entity "Tulingi" in context "the Rauraci , and the
 Tulingi , and the Latobrigi"
Found entity "Latobrigi" in context "the
 Tulingi , and the Latobrigi , their neighbors, to
Found entity "Boii" in context "to themselves as confederates
 the Boii , who had dwelt"
Found entity "Rhine" in context "the other side of the Rhine , and had crossed"
Found entity "Norican" in context "had crossed over into the Norican territory, and
 assaulted Noreia"
Found entity "Noreia" in context "the Norican territory, and
 assaulted Noreia . There were in"
Found entity "There" in context "territory, and
 assaulted Noreia . There were in all two"
Found entity "Sequani" in context "their country one
 through the Sequani narrow and difficult, between"
Found entity "Mount" in context "Sequani narrow and difficult, between Mount Jura and the river"
Found entity "Jura" in context "narrow and difficult, between Mount Jura and the river Rhone"
Found entity "Rhone" in context "Mount Jura and the river Rhone (by which scarcely
Found entity "Province," in context "them; the other, through
 our Province, much easier and freer"
Found entity "Rhone" in context "freer from obstacles, because the Rhone flows between the boundaries"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "between the boundaries of the Helvetii and those of the"
Found entity "Allobroges" in context "Helvetii and those of the Allobroges , who had lately
Found entity "The" in context "places crossed by a ford. The furthest town of the
Found entity "Allobroges" in context "The furthest town of the
 Allobroges , and the nearest"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "to the territories of the Helvetii , is Geneva ."
Found entity "Geneva" in context "of the Helvetii , is Geneva . From this town"
Found entity "From" in context "Helvetii , is Geneva . From this town a bridge"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "a bridge extends to the Helvetii . They thought that"
Found entity "They" in context "extends to the Helvetii . They thought that they should"
Found entity "Allobroges" in context "they should either persuade the
 Allobroges , because they did"
Found entity "Roman" in context "as yet well-affected
 toward the Roman people, or compel them"
Found entity "Having" in context "to pass through their territories. Having provided every thing for
Found entity "Rhone" in context "on the bank of
 the Rhone . This day was"
Found entity "This" in context "bank of
 the Rhone . This day was the
Found entity "April" in context "fifth before the kalends of April [i.e. the 28th of
Found entity "March" in context "April [i.e. the 28th of
 March ], in the consulship"
Found entity "Lucius" in context "], in the consulship of Lucius Piso and
 Aulus Gabinius"
Found entity "Piso" in context "in the consulship of Lucius Piso and
 Aulus Gabinius [B.C."
Found entity "Aulus" in context "consulship of Lucius Piso and
 Aulus Gabinius [B.C. 58 .]"
Found entity "Gabinius" in context "of Lucius Piso and
 Aulus Gabinius [B.C. 58 .] When"
Found entity "[B.C." in context "Lucius Piso and
 Aulus Gabinius [B.C. 58 .] When it"
Found entity "When" in context "Aulus Gabinius [B.C. 58 .] When it was reported to"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "When it was reported to Caesar that they were attempting
Found entity "Province" in context "make their route through our Province he hastens to set"
Found entity "Further" in context "as he can, proceeds to Further Gaul , and arrives
Found entity "Gaul" in context "he can, proceeds to Further Gaul , and arrives
Found entity "Geneva" in context "Gaul , and arrives
 at Geneva . He orders the"
Found entity "He" in context "and arrives
 at Geneva . He orders the whole Province"
Found entity "Province" in context ". He orders the whole Province [to furnish] as great"
Found entity "Further" in context "all only one legion in Further Gaul : he orders"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "only one legion in Further Gaul : he orders the"
Found entity "Geneva" in context "he orders the bridge at Geneva to be broken down."
Found entity "When" in context "Geneva to be broken down. When the Helvetii are
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "be broken down. When the Helvetii are
 apprized of his"
Found entity "Numeius" in context "their state (in which embassy Numeius and
 Verudoctius held the"
Found entity "Verudoctius" in context "(in which embassy Numeius and
 Verudoctius held the chief place),"
Found entity "Province" in context "intention to march through the Province without doing any harm,"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "do so with his consent." Caesar , inasmuch as he"
Found entity "Lucius
" in context "he kept in remembrance that Lucius
 Cassius , the consul,"
Found entity "Cassius" in context "kept in remembrance that Lucius
 Cassius , the consul, had"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "under the yoke by the Helvetii , did not think
Found entity "Province" in context "opportunity of marching through the Province were
 given them, would"
Found entity "Yet," in context "abstain from outrage and mischief. Yet, in order that a"
Found entity "April" in context "day before the ides of
 April [on April 12th]. Meanwhile,"
Found entity "April" in context "the ides of
 April [on April 12th]. Meanwhile, with the"
Found entity "Meanwhile," in context "of
 April [on April 12th]. Meanwhile, with the legion which"
Found entity "Province," in context "which had
 assembled from the Province, he carries along for"
Found entity "Roman" in context "carries along for nineteen [ Roman , not quite eighteen"
Found entity "English" in context "Roman , not quite eighteen English ] miles a wall,"
Found entity "Lake" in context "and a trench, from the Lake of
 Geneva , which"
Found entity "Geneva" in context "trench, from the Lake of
 Geneva , which flows into"
Found entity "Rhone" in context "which flows into the river Rhone , to
 Mount Jura"
Found entity "Mount" in context "the river Rhone , to
 Mount Jura , which separates
Found entity "Jura" in context "river Rhone , to
 Mount Jura , which separates
Found entity "Sequani" in context "separates
 the territories of the Sequani from those of the"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "Sequani from those of the Helvetii . When that work"
Found entity "When" in context "those of the Helvetii . When that work was finished,"
Found entity "When" in context "cross over against his will. When the
 day which he"
Found entity "Roman" in context "custom and precedent of the
 Roman people, grant any one"
Found entity "Province;" in context "one a passage through the
 Province; and he gives them"
Found entity "The" in context "violence he would oppose them. The Helvetii , disappointed in"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "he would oppose them. The Helvetii , disappointed in this
Found entity "Rhone" in context "by the fords of the
 Rhone , where the depth"
Found entity "There" in context "they desisted from this attempt. There was left one way,"
Found entity "Sequani" in context "one way, [namely] through the Sequani , by which, on
Found entity "Sequani" in context "without the consent of the
 Sequani . As they could"
Found entity "As" in context "consent of the
 Sequani . As they could not of"
Found entity "Dumnorix" in context "them, they
 send embassadors to Dumnorix the Aeduan , that"
Found entity "Aeduan" in context "send embassadors to Dumnorix the Aeduan , that through
Found entity "Sequani" in context "obtain their request from the Sequani .
 Dumnorix , by"
Found entity "Dumnorix" in context "request from the Sequani .
 Dumnorix , by his popularity"
Found entity "Sequani" in context "had great influence
 among the Sequani , and was friendly"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "and was friendly to the Helvetii , because out of"
Found entity "Orgetorix" in context "had married the daughter of
 Orgetorix ; and, incited by"
Found entity "He," in context "by
 his kindness toward them. He, therefore, undertakes the affair,"
Found entity "Sequani" in context "affair, and prevails
 upon the Sequani to allow the Helvetii"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "the Sequani to allow the Helvetii 
 to march through"
Found entity "Sequani" in context "give hostages
 to each other-the Sequani not to obstruct the"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "Sequani not to obstruct the Helvetii in their march-the Helvetii"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "the Helvetii in their march-the Helvetii , to
 pass without"
Found entity "It" in context "pass without mischief and outrage. It is again told Caesar"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "outrage. It is again told Caesar , that the Helvetii"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "told Caesar , that the Helvetii intended to march through"
Found entity "Sequani" in context "through the country of the
 Sequani and the Aedui into"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "of the
 Sequani and the Aedui into the territories of"
Found entity "Santones" in context "into the territories of the
 Santones , which are not"
Found entity "Tolosates" in context "from those boundaries of
 the Tolosates , which [viz. Tolosa"
Found entity "Tolosa" in context "the Tolosates , which [viz. Tolosa , Toulouse ] is"
Found entity "Toulouse" in context ", which [viz. Tolosa , Toulouse ] is a
Found entity "Province." in context "is a
 state in the Province. If this took place,"
Found entity "If" in context "a
 state in the Province. If this took place, he"
Found entity "Province" in context "with
 great danger to the Province to have warlike men,"
Found entity "Roman" in context "warlike men, enemies of the Roman people, bordering upon an"
Found entity "For" in context "very fertile
 tract of country. For these reasons he appointed"
Found entity "Titus" in context "For these reasons he appointed Titus Labienus ,
 his lieutenant,"
Found entity "Labienus" in context "these reasons he appointed Titus Labienus ,
 his lieutenant, to"
Found entity "He
" in context "fortification which he had made. He
 himself proceeds to Italy"
Found entity "Italy" in context "made. He
 himself proceeds to Italy by forced marches,
Found entity "Aquileia" in context "three which
 were wintering around Aquileia , and with these"
Found entity "Alps" in context "the nearest route across
 the Alps into Further Gaul ."
Found entity "Further" in context "route across
 the Alps into Further Gaul . Here the
Found entity "Gaul" in context "across
 the Alps into Further Gaul . Here the
Found entity "Here" in context "Alps into Further Gaul . Here the
 Centrones and the"
Found entity "Centrones" in context "Further Gaul . Here the
 Centrones and the Graioceli and"
Found entity "Graioceli" in context "Here the
 Centrones and the Graioceli and the
 Caturiges ,"
Found entity "Caturiges" in context "and the Graioceli and the
 Caturiges , having taken possession"
Found entity "After" in context "the army in their march. After having routed these in"
Found entity "Vocontii" in context "in the territories of the Vocontii in the
 Further Province"
Found entity "Further" in context "of the Vocontii in the
 Further Province on the seventh"
Found entity "Province" in context "the Vocontii in the
 Further Province on the seventh day"
Found entity "Ocelum" in context "on the seventh day from Ocelum ,
 which is the"
Found entity "Hither" in context "most remote town of the Hither Province ; thence he
Found entity "Province" in context "remote town of the Hither Province ; thence he
Found entity "Allobroges" in context "into the country of the Allobroges , and from the
Found entity "Allobroges" in context "Allobroges , and from the
 Allobroges to the Segusiani ."
Found entity "Segusiani" in context "from the
 Allobroges to the Segusiani . These people are"
Found entity "These" in context "Allobroges to the Segusiani . These people are the
Found entity "Province" in context "are the
 first beyond the Province on the opposite side"
Found entity "Rhone" in context "the opposite side of the Rhone . The Helvetii had"
Found entity "The" in context "side of the Rhone . The Helvetii had by this"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "of the Rhone . The Helvetii had by this time"
Found entity "Sequani" in context "and the territories of the Sequani , and had arrived
Found entity "Aedui" in context "at the territories of the Aedui , and were ravaging"
Found entity "The
" in context "and were ravaging their lands. The
 Aedui , as they"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "were ravaging their lands. The
 Aedui , as they could"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "against them, send embassadors to Caesar to
 ask assistance, [pleading]"
Found entity "Roman" in context "so well deserved of the
 Roman people, that their fields"
Found entity "At" in context "within sight of our army. At the same time the"
Found entity "Ambarri" in context "At the same time the Ambarri , the
 friends and"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "friends and kinsmen of the Aedui , apprize Caesar ,"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "of the Aedui , apprize Caesar , that it was"
Found entity "Allobroges" in context "enemy from their towns: the
 Allobroges likewise, who had villages"
Found entity "Rhone" in context "the
 other side of the Rhone , betake themselves in"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "betake themselves in flight to Caesar , and
 assure him"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "the soil of their land. Caesar , induced by these"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "not to wait until the Helvetii , after
 destroying all"
Found entity "Santones" in context "allies, should arrive among the
 Santones . There is a"
Found entity "There" in context "arrive among the
 Santones . There is a river [called]"
Found entity "Saone" in context "is a river [called] the Saone , which flows through"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "through the territories of the Aedui and
 Sequani into the"
Found entity "Sequani" in context "territories of the Aedui and
 Sequani into the Rhone with"
Found entity "Rhone" in context "Aedui and
 Sequani into the Rhone with such incredible slowness,"
Found entity "This" in context "in which direction it flows. This the Helvetii were
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "direction it flows. This the Helvetii were
 crossing by rafts"
Found entity "When" in context "rafts and boats joined together. When Caesar was informed by"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "and boats joined together. When Caesar was informed by spies"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "informed by spies that the Helvetii had already conveyed three"
Found entity "Saone" in context "on this side of the Saone , he set out"
Found entity "Attacking" in context "not yet crossed the river. Attacking them
 encumbered with baggage,"
Found entity "That" in context "themselves in the
 nearest woods. That canton [which was cut"
Found entity "Tigurine" in context "cut down] was called the
 Tigurine ; for the whole"
Found entity "Helvetian" in context "Tigurine ; for the whole Helvetian state is divided
Found entity "This" in context "is divided
 into four cantons. This single canton having left"
Found entity "Lucius" in context "of our fathers, had slain Lucius Cassius the consul,
Found entity "Cassius" in context "our fathers, had slain Lucius Cassius the consul,
 and had"
Found entity "Thus," in context "army pass under the yoke. Thus, whether by chance, or"
Found entity "Helvetian" in context "gods, that part of the Helvetian state which
 had brought"
Found entity "Roman" in context "a signal calamity upon the Roman people,
 was the first"
Found entity "In" in context "first to pay the penalty. In this Caesar 
Found entity "Caesar" in context "pay the penalty. In this Caesar 
 avenged not only"
Found entity "Tigurini" in context "own personal wrongs, because the
 Tigurini had slain Lucius Piso"
Found entity "Lucius" in context "because the
 Tigurini had slain Lucius Piso the lieutenant [of
Found entity "Piso" in context "the
 Tigurini had slain Lucius Piso the lieutenant [of
Found entity "Cassius]" in context "Lucius Piso the lieutenant [of
 Cassius] , the grandfather of"
Found entity "Lucius" in context "Cassius] , the grandfather of Lucius Calpurnius
 Piso , his"
Found entity "Calpurnius
" in context ", the grandfather of Lucius Calpurnius
 Piso , his [Caesar"
Found entity "Piso" in context "the grandfather of Lucius Calpurnius
 Piso , his [Caesar 's]"
Found entity "[Caesar" in context "Lucius Calpurnius
 Piso , his [Caesar 's] father-in-law, in the"
Found entity "Cassius" in context "in the same battle
 as Cassius himself. This battle ended,"
Found entity "This" in context "same battle
 as Cassius himself. This battle ended, that he"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "the remaining forces of
 the Helvetii , he procures a"
Found entity "Saone" in context "to be made across
 the Saone , and thus leads"
Found entity "The" in context "thus leads his army over. The Helvetii , confused by
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "leads his army over. The Helvetii , confused by
Found entity "Divico" in context "head of which embassy was
 Divico , who had been"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "had been commander of the Helvetii , in the war"
Found entity "Cassius" in context ", in the war against Cassius . He thus treats
Found entity "He" in context "the war against Cassius . He thus treats
 with Caesar"
Found entity "Caesar" in context ". He thus treats
 with Caesar :-that, "if the Roman"
Found entity "Roman" in context "with Caesar :-that, "if the Roman people would make peace"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "would make peace with the Helvetii they would go to"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "part and there remain, where Caesar might appoint and desire"
Found entity "Roman" in context "the
 ancient disgrace of the Roman people and the
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "the
 characteristic valor of the Helvetii . As to his
Found entity "As" in context "valor of the Helvetii . As to his
 having attacked"
Found entity "Wherefore" in context "than on
 artifice and stratagem. Wherefore let him not bring"
Found entity "Roman" in context "from the disaster of
 the Roman people and the destruction"
Found entity "To" in context "such an event to posterity]." To these words Caesar thus"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "to posterity]." To these words Caesar thus replied:-that "on that"
Found entity "Helvetian" in context "remembrance those
 circumstances which the Helvetian embassadors had mentioned, and
Found entity "Roman" in context "had happened
 undeservedly to the Roman people: for if they"
Found entity "But" in context "to be afraid without
 cause. But even if he were"
Found entity "Province" in context "attempted a route through the Province by force, in that"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "that they had molested the
 Aedui , the Ambarri ,"
Found entity "Ambarri" in context "molested the
 Aedui , the Ambarri , and the
Found entity "Allobroges" in context "the Ambarri , and the
 Allobroges ? That as to"
Found entity "That" in context ", and the
 Allobroges ? That as to their so"
Found entity "Although" in context "from a reverse of circumstances. Although these things
 are so,"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "will give
 satisfaction to the Aedui for the outrages which"
Found entity "Allobroges" in context "allies, and likewise to the Allobroges , he
 [ Caesar"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "the Allobroges , he
 [ Caesar ] will make peace"
Found entity "Divico" in context "will make peace with them."
 Divico replied, that "the Helvetii"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "them."
 Divico replied, that "the Helvetii 
 had been so"
Found entity "Roman" in context "hostages; of that fact the Roman people
 were witness." Having"
Found entity "Having" in context "the Roman people
 were witness." Having given this reply, he"
Found entity "On" in context "given this reply, he withdrew. On the following day they"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "their camp from that place; Caesar does the same, and"
Found entity "Province" in context "from all parts of the
 Province and from the Aedui"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "the
 Province and from the Aedui and their allies), to"
Found entity "These," in context "enemy are directing their march. These, having too eagerly
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "with the cavalry of the Helvetii in a disadvantageous place,"
Found entity "The" in context "few of our
 men fall. The Helvetii , elated with"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "of our
 men fall. The Helvetii , elated with this"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "our men by an attack. Caesar [however] restrained his men"
Found entity "They" in context "from rapine, forage, and
 depredation. They marched for about fifteen"
Found entity "Meanwhile," in context "enemy's rear and our van. Meanwhile, Caesar kept daily importuning"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "rear and our van. Meanwhile, Caesar kept daily importuning the
Found entity "Aedui" in context "Caesar kept daily importuning the
 Aedui for the corn which"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "consequence of the coldness ( Gaul , being as before"
Found entity "Saone" in context "in ships up the river Saone , because the Helvetii"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "river Saone , because the Helvetii , from whom he"
Found entity "Saone" in context "diverted their march from the Saone . The Aedui kept"
Found entity "The" in context "march from the Saone . The Aedui kept deferring from"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "from the Saone . The Aedui kept deferring from day"
Found entity "When" in context "being collected-brought in-on the road." When he saw that he"
Found entity "Divitiacus" in context "in his camp, among them Divitiacus and
 Liscus who was"
Found entity "Liscus" in context "camp, among them Divitiacus and
 Liscus who was invested with"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "the chief magistracy (whom the
 Aedui style the Vergobretus ,"
Found entity "Vergobretus" in context "(whom the
 Aedui style the Vergobretus , and who is"
Found entity "Then" in context "complain of his being forsaken. Then at length Liscus ,"
Found entity "Liscus" in context "being forsaken. Then at length Liscus , moved by Caesar"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "length Liscus , moved by Caesar 's
 speech, discloses what"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "longer retain the
 supremacy of Gaul , it were better"
Found entity "Gauls" in context "submit
 to the government of Gauls than of Romans ,"
Found entity "Romans" in context "government of Gauls than of Romans , nor ought they"
Found entity "Romans" in context "to doubt that, if the Romans should overpower the Helvetii"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "the Romans should overpower the Helvetii , they would wrest"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "wrest their freedom from the Aedui 
 together with the"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "together with the remainder of Gaul . By these very"
Found entity "By" in context "the remainder of Gaul . By these very men, [said
Found entity "Caesar" in context "had disclosed the matter to Caesar , at how great"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "as long as he could." Caesar perceived that by this"
Found entity "Liscus" in context "that by this speech of
 Liscus , Dumnorix , the"
Found entity "Dumnorix" in context "this speech of
 Liscus , Dumnorix , the brother of
Found entity "Divitiacus" in context "Dumnorix , the brother of
 Divitiacus , was indicated; but,"
Found entity "Liscus" in context "dismisses:
 the council, but detains Liscus : he inquires from"
Found entity "He" in context "had said in the meeting. He [Liscus] 
 speaks more"
Found entity "[Liscus]" in context "said in the meeting. He [Liscus] 
 speaks more unreservedly"
Found entity "He" in context "speaks more unreservedly and boldly. He [Caesar] makes inquiries on
Found entity "[Caesar]" in context "more unreservedly and boldly. He [Caesar] makes inquiries on
Found entity "Dumnorix" in context "is all true; that
 " Dumnorix is the person, a"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "the other taxes of the Aedui at a small
Found entity "By" in context "dares to bid against him. By these means he
Found entity "Bituriges" in context "mother in marriage among the
 Bituriges to a man the"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "a wife from among the Helvetii , and has given"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "and wishes well
 to the Helvetii on account of this"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "connection; and
 that he hates Caesar and the Romans ,"
Found entity "Romans" in context "he hates Caesar and the Romans , on his own"
Found entity "Divitiacus" in context "was
 weakened, and his brother, Divitiacus , restored to his"
Found entity "Romans" in context "thing should happen to the Romans , he entertains the"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "sovereignty by means of the Helvetii , but that under
Found entity "Roman" in context "under
 the government of the Roman people he despairs not
Found entity "Caesar" in context "influence which he already has." Caesar discovered too, on inquiring"
Found entity "Dumnorix" in context "flight had been made by Dumnorix and his
 cavalry (for"
Found entity "Dumnorix" in context "Dumnorix and his
 cavalry (for Dumnorix was in command of"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "of the cavalry which the
 Aedui had sent for aid"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "had sent for aid to Caesar );
 that by their"
Found entity "After" in context "of the cavalry were dismayed. After learning these circumstances, since"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "that he had led the Helvetii through the territories of"
Found entity "Sequani" in context "through the territories of the Sequani ; that
 he had"
Found entity "[Caesar" in context "without any orders of his [Caesar 's] and of
Found entity "Aedui]" in context "but even without their [the Aedui] knowing any
 thing of"
Found entity "Dumnorix" in context "it themselves; that he [ Dumnorix ] was reprimanded: by"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "the
 [chief] magistrate of the Aedui ; he [ Caesar"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "the Aedui ; he [ Caesar ] considered that there"
Found entity "One" in context "the state to do so. One thing [however]
 stood in"
Found entity "Divitiacus" in context "learned by experience his brother
 Divitiacus 's very high regard"
Found entity "Roman" in context "very high regard for the Roman people, his great affection"
Found entity "Divitiacus" in context "should hurt the feelings of Divitiacus . Therefore,
 before he"
Found entity "Therefore,
" in context "the feelings of Divitiacus . Therefore,
 before he attempted any"
Found entity "Divitiacus" in context "attempted any thing, he orders Divitiacus to be summoned
Found entity "Caius" in context "withdrawn, converses with
 him through Caius Valerius Procillus , chief"
Found entity "Valerius" in context "converses with
 him through Caius Valerius Procillus , chief of"
Found entity "Procillus" in context "with
 him through Caius Valerius Procillus , chief of the"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "chief of the province of
 Gaul , an intimate friend"
Found entity "Dumnorix" in context "of what was said
 about Dumnorix in the council of"
Found entity "Gauls" in context "in the council of the Gauls , when he himself"
Found entity "[Caesar" in context "of
 him privately in his [Caesar 's] own presence; he"
Found entity "Dumnorix" in context "pass judgment
 on him [ Dumnorix ] after trying the"
Found entity "Aeduan" in context "or else order the
 [ Aeduan ] state to do"
Found entity "Divitiacus" in context "] state to do so. Divitiacus , embracing Caesar ,"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "do so. Divitiacus , embracing Caesar , begins to
Found entity "Gaul" in context "and in the rest
 of Gaul , and he ["
Found entity "Dumnorix" in context "Gaul , and he [ Dumnorix ] very little on"
Found entity "Divitiacus" in context "the lessening of his [ Divitiacus ]
 popularity, but almost"
Found entity "But" in context "affection and by public opinion. But if any thing very"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "any thing very severe from
 Caesar should befall him ["
Found entity "Dumnorix" in context "Caesar should befall him [ Dumnorix ],
 no one would"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "held such a place in Caesar 's friendship: from which
Found entity "Gaul" in context "affections of the whole of Gaul would be estranged from"
Found entity "As" in context "would be estranged from him." As he was with tears"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "tears begging
 these things of Caesar in many words, Caesar"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "of Caesar in many words, Caesar takes his right hand,"
Found entity "He" in context "at his
 desire and prayers. He summons Dumnorix to him;"
Found entity "Dumnorix" in context "desire and prayers. He summons Dumnorix to him; he brings"
Found entity "Divitiacus" in context "the
 sake of his brother, Divitiacus . He sets spies"
Found entity "He" in context "of his brother, Divitiacus . He sets spies over
Found entity "Dumnorix" in context ". He sets spies over
 Dumnorix that he may be"
Found entity "Being" in context "and with
 whom he communicates. Being on the same day"
Found entity "Word" in context "the ascent on every side.
 Word was brought back, that"
Found entity "During" in context "back, that it was easy. During the third watch he"
Found entity "Titus" in context "the third watch he orders
 Titus Labienus , his lieutenant"
Found entity "Labienus" in context "third watch he orders
 Titus Labienus , his lieutenant with"
Found entity "He" in context "explains what his plan is. He himself
 during the fourth"
Found entity "Publius
" in context "all the cavalry before him. Publius
 Considius , who was"
Found entity "Considius" in context "the cavalry before him. Publius
 Considius , who was reputed"
Found entity "Lucius" in context "been in the army of Lucius Sulla , and afterward"
Found entity "Sulla" in context "in the army of Lucius Sulla , and afterward in
Found entity "Marcus" in context "and afterward in
 that of Marcus Crassus , is sent"
Found entity "Crassus" in context "afterward in
 that of Marcus Crassus , is sent forward"
Found entity "At" in context "sent forward with the scouts. At day-break, when the summit"
Found entity "Titus" in context "was in the possession of
 Titus Labienus , and he"
Found entity "Labienus" in context "in the possession of
 Titus Labienus , and he himself"
Found entity "Labienus" in context "his arrival or that of Labienus been
 discovered; Considius ,"
Found entity "Considius" in context "that of Labienus been
 discovered; Considius , with his horse"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "the mountain which he [ Caesar ] wished
 should be"
Found entity "Labienus" in context "wished
 should be seized by Labienus , is in possession"
Found entity "Gallic" in context "has discovered this by the Gallic arms and ensigns. Caesar"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "the Gallic arms and ensigns. Caesar leads off his forces"
Found entity "Labienus" in context "draws
 them up in battle-order. Labienus , as he had"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "he had been ordered by Caesar not to come to"
Found entity "[Caesar" in context "come to an engagement unless
 [Caesar 's] own forces were"
Found entity "When," in context "men, and refraining
 from battle. When, at length, the day"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "the day was far advanced, Caesar learned through spies, that"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "own men, and that the Helvetii had moved their
Found entity "Considius" in context "moved their
 camp, and that Considius , struck with fear,"
Found entity "On" in context "which he had not seen. On that day he follows"
Found entity "The" in context "camp three miles from theirs. The next day (as there"
Found entity "Bibracte" in context "more than eighteen miles
 from Bibracte , by far the"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "and best-stored town of the Aedui ), he
 thought that"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "diverted his march
 from the Helvetii , and advanced rapidly"
Found entity "Bibracte" in context ", and advanced rapidly to Bibracte . This circumstance is"
Found entity "This" in context "advanced rapidly to Bibracte . This circumstance is reported to"
Found entity "Lucius" in context "enemy by some deserters from
 Lucius Aemilius , a captain,"
Found entity "Aemilius" in context "by some deserters from
 Lucius Aemilius , a captain, of"
Found entity "Gallic" in context ", a captain, of the Gallic horse.
 The Helvetii ,"
Found entity "The" in context "captain, of the Gallic horse.
 The Helvetii , either because"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "of the Gallic horse.
 The Helvetii , either because they"
Found entity "Romans" in context "because they thought that the Romans , struck with terror,"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "our men in the rear. Caesar , when he observes"
Found entity "He
" in context "the attack of the enemy. He
 himself, meanwhile, drew up"
Found entity "Hither" in context "he had lately levied in Hither Gaul , and all"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "had lately levied in Hither Gaul , and all the
Found entity "The
" in context "posted in the upper line. The
 Helvetii having followed with"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "in the upper line. The
 Helvetii having followed with all"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "line in very close order. Caesar , having removed out"
Found entity "His" in context "encouraging his men, joined battle. His soldiers
 hurling their javelins"
Found entity "That" in context "easily broke the enemy's phalanx.
 That being dispersed, they made"
Found entity "It" in context "on them with drawn swords. It was a
 great hinderance"
Found entity "Gauls" in context "a
 great hinderance to the Gauls in fighting, that, when
Found entity "Roman" in context "one stroke of the ( Roman ) javelins pierced through"
Found entity "At" in context "fight with their person unprotected. At length, worn out with
Found entity "When" in context "off, to betake themselves thither. When the mountain had been
Found entity "Boii" in context "men were advancing up, the Boii and
 Tulingi , who"
Found entity "Tulingi" in context "advancing up, the Boii and
 Tulingi , who with about"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "them; upon seeing which,
 the Helvetii who had betaken themselves"
Found entity "The" in context "again and renew the battle. The Romans 
 having faced"
Found entity "Romans" in context "and renew the battle. The Romans 
 having faced about,"
Found entity "Thus," in context "those who were just arriving. Thus, was the contest long"
Found entity "When
" in context "carried on with doubtful success. When
 they could no longer"
Found entity "For" in context "to their
 baggage and wagons. For during the whole of"
Found entity "P." in context "hour [i.e. 12 (noon) 1 P. M.] to eventide, no"
Found entity "M.]" in context "[i.e. 12 (noon) 1 P. M.] to eventide, no one"
Found entity "The" in context "enemy with his back turned. The fight was carried on"
Found entity "After" in context "beneath, and wounding our men. After the fight had lasted"
Found entity "There" in context "of their baggage and camp. There the daughter
 and one"
Found entity "Orgetorix" in context "one of the sons of Orgetorix was taken. After the"
Found entity "After" in context "sons of Orgetorix was taken. After the battle about
Found entity "Lingones" in context "in the territories of the Lingones on the fourth day,"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "been
 able to follow them. Caesar sent letters and messengers
Found entity "Lingones" in context "letters and messengers
 to the Lingones [with orders] that they"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "the
 same light as the Helvetii . After the three"
Found entity "After" in context "light as the Helvetii . After the three days'
Found entity "The" in context "himself with all his forces. The Helvetii , compelled by"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "with all his forces. The Helvetii , compelled by the"
Found entity "When" in context "to him about a surrender. When these had met him"
Found entity "When" in context "were, they obeyed his commands. When Caesar 
 arrived at"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "they obeyed his commands. When Caesar 
 arrived at that"
Found entity "While" in context "who had
 deserted to them. While those things are being"
Found entity "Verbigene" in context "canton which is called the
 Verbigene , whether terrified by"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "of the camp of the Helvetii , hastened to the"
Found entity "Rhine" in context "Helvetii , hastened to the Rhine and the territories of"
Found entity "Germans" in context "and the territories of the Germans .
 But when Caesar"
Found entity "But" in context "territories of the Germans .
 But when Caesar discovered this,"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "the Germans .
 But when Caesar discovered this, he commanded"
Found entity "He" in context "the hostages, arms, and deserters. He ordered the Helvetii ,"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "and deserters. He ordered the Helvetii , the Tulingi ,"
Found entity "Tulingi" in context "ordered the Helvetii , the Tulingi , and the
Found entity "Latobrigi" in context "the Tulingi , and the
 Latobrigi , to return to"
Found entity "Allobroges" in context "been destroyed, he commanded the
 Allobroges to let them have"
Found entity "This" in context "villages which they had burned. This he
 did, chiefly, on"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "the country, from
 which the Helvetii had departed, should be
Found entity "Germans" in context "should be
 untenanted, lest the Germans , who dwell on"
Found entity "Rhine" in context "the other
 side of the Rhine , should, on account"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "territories into those of the Helvetii , and
 become borderers"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "borderers upon the province of Gaul and the
 Allobroges ."
Found entity "Allobroges" in context "province of Gaul and the
 Allobroges . He granted the"
Found entity "He" in context "Gaul and the
 Allobroges . He granted the petition of"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "granted the petition of the Aedui ,
 that they might"
Found entity "Boii" in context "that they might settle the Boii , in their own"
Found entity "Aeduan" in context "own (i. e. in the
 Aeduan ) territories, as these"
Found entity "In" in context "rights and freedom as themselves. In the camp of the"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "In the camp of the Helvetii , lists were found,"
Found entity "Greek" in context "were found, drawn
 up in Greek characters, and were brought"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "characters, and were brought to Caesar , in which an"
Found entity "Of" in context "men, and the women,
 separately. Of all which items the"
Found entity "Of" in context "which items the total was: Of the Helvetii [lit. of"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "the total was: Of the Helvetii [lit. of the heads"
Found entity "Helvetii]" in context "of the heads of the
 Helvetii] 263,000 Of the Tulingi"
Found entity "Of" in context "heads of the
 Helvetii] 263,000 Of the Tulingi 36,000 Of"
Found entity "Tulingi" in context "the
 Helvetii] 263,000 Of the Tulingi 36,000 Of the Latobrigi"
Found entity "Of" in context "263,000 Of the Tulingi 36,000 Of the Latobrigi 14,000 Of"
Found entity "Latobrigi" in context "the Tulingi 36,000 Of the Latobrigi 14,000 Of the Rauraci"
Found entity "Of" in context "36,000 Of the Latobrigi 14,000 Of the Rauraci 23,000 Of"
Found entity "Rauraci" in context "the Latobrigi 14,000 Of the Rauraci 23,000 Of the Boii"
Found entity "Of" in context "14,000 Of the Rauraci 23,000 Of the Boii 32,000 The"
Found entity "Boii" in context "the Rauraci 23,000 Of the Boii 32,000 The sum of"
Found entity "The" in context "23,000 Of the Boii 32,000 The sum of all amounted"
Found entity "Out" in context "of all amounted to 368,000 Out of these, such as"
Found entity "When
" in context "arms, [amounted] to about 92,000. When
 the census of those"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "returned home was taken, as Caesar had commanded, the number"
Found entity "When" in context "was found to be 110,000. When the war with the"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "When the war with the Helvetii was concluded,
 embassadors from"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "from almost all parts of Gaul , the chiefs of"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "of states,
 assembled to congratulate Caesar , [saying] that they
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "had taken vengeance on the Helvetii in war, for the"
Found entity "Roman" in context "done by them to the
 Roman people, yet that circumstance"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "benefit of the land of Gaul than of the Roman"
Found entity "Roman" in context "of Gaul than of the Roman people, because the Helvetii"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "the Roman people, because the Helvetii , while their affairs"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "war upon the whole of Gaul , and seizing the"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "and most productive of all Gaul , and hold the"
Found entity "They" in context "of the
 states as tributaries. They requested that they might"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "assembly of the whole of Gaul for a particular day,"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "and
 to do that with Caesar 's permission, [stating] that
Found entity "This" in context "wished to ask of him.
 This request having been granted,"
Found entity "When" in context "assigned by the
 general assembly. When that assembly was dismissed,"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "who had before been
 to Caesar , returned, and asked"
Found entity "That" in context "of
 themselves and of all. That request having been obtained,"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "threw
 themselves in tears at Caesar 's feet, [saying] that
Found entity "For" in context "put to the
 greatest tortures. For these Divitiacus the Aeduan"
Found entity "Divitiacus" in context "the
 greatest tortures. For these Divitiacus the Aeduan 
Found entity "Aeduan" in context "tortures. For these Divitiacus the Aeduan 
 spoke and told"
Found entity ""That" in context "
 spoke and told him: "That there were two parties"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "parties in the whole of Gaul : that the Aedui"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "of Gaul : that the Aedui stood at the head"
Found entity "Arverni" in context "of one of these,
 the Arverni of the other. After"
Found entity "After" in context "the Arverni of the other. After these had been violently"
Found entity "Germans" in context "came to pass that the
 Germans were called in for"
Found entity "Arverni" in context "in for hire by the
 Arverni and the Sequani ."
Found entity "Sequani" in context "by the
 Arverni and the Sequani . That about 15,000"
Found entity "That" in context "Arverni and the Sequani . That about 15,000 of them
Found entity "Germans]" in context "of them
 [i.e. of the Germans] had at first crossed"
Found entity "Rhine" in context "had at first crossed the Rhine : but after that"
Found entity "Gauls" in context "and the abundance of the Gauls , more were brought"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "as
 120,000 of them in Gaul : that with these"
Found entity "Aedui" in context ": that with these the
 Aedui and their dependents had"
Found entity "And" in context "their senate, all their cavalry. And that broken by such
Found entity "Gaul" in context "formerly been very powerful in
 Gaul , both from their"
Found entity "Roman" in context "own valor and from the Roman people's hospitality and friendship,"
Found entity "Sequani" in context "state, as hostages to the
 Sequani , and to bind"
Found entity "Roman" in context "nor supplicate aid from the Roman people, nor refuse to"
Found entity "That" in context "under their sway
 and empire. That he was the only"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "all the state of the
 Aedui , who could not"
Found entity "On" in context "give his children as hostages. On that account he had"
Found entity "Rome" in context "gone to the senate at Rome to beseech aid, as"
Found entity "But
" in context "neither by oath nor hostages. But
 a worse thing had"
Found entity "Sequani" in context "thing had befallen the victorious Sequani than the
 vanquished Aedui"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "victorious Sequani than the
 vanquished Aedui , for Ariovistus the"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "the
 vanquished Aedui , for Ariovistus the king of the"
Found entity "Germans" in context "Ariovistus the king of the Germans , had settled in"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "best in the whole of Gaul , and was now"
Found entity "Harudes" in context "previously 24,000 men of the Harudes had come
 to him,"
Found entity "The" in context "and settlements must be provided. The consequence would
 be, that"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "driven from the territories of Gaul , and all the"
Found entity "Germans" in context "Gaul , and all the Germans would cross the
Found entity "Rhine" in context "the Germans would cross the
 Rhine ; for neither must"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "neither must the land of Gaul be compared with the"
Found entity "Germans" in context "with the land
 of the Germans , nor must the"
Found entity "Moreover," in context "with that of the former. Moreover, [as for]
 Ariovistus ,"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "the former. Moreover, [as for]
 Ariovistus , no sooner did"
Found entity "Gauls" in context "defeat the forces of the Gauls in a battle which"
Found entity "Magetobria" in context "battle which took place at Magetobria , than [he began]"
Found entity "Unless" in context "could no longer be borne. Unless there was some aid"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "there was some aid in Caesar and the Roman people,
Found entity "Roman" in context "aid in Caesar and the Roman people,
 the Gauls must"
Found entity "Gauls" in context "and the Roman people,
 the Gauls must all do the"
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "the same thing that the Helvetii have done, [viz.] emigrate"
Found entity "Germans" in context "other settlements remote from the Germans , and try whatever"
Found entity "If" in context "may fall to their
 lot. If these things were to"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "were to be disclosed to Ariovistus ,
 [Divitiacus adds] that"
Found entity "[Divitiacus" in context "be disclosed to Ariovistus ,
 [Divitiacus adds] that he doubts"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "his possession, [and says]
 that Caesar could, either by his"
Found entity "Roman" in context "or by name of the Roman people, intimidate him, so"
Found entity "Germans" in context "prevent a greater number of
 Germans being brought over the"
Found entity "Rhine" in context "Germans being brought over the Rhine , and could protect"
Found entity "Gaul" in context ", and could protect all Gaul from the outrages of
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "Gaul from the outrages of
 Ariovistus . When this speech"
Found entity "When" in context "the outrages of
 Ariovistus . When this speech had been"
Found entity "Divitiacus" in context "speech had been delivered by Divitiacus , all who were
Found entity "Caesar" in context "lamentation to entreat assistance of Caesar . Caesar noticed that"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "entreat assistance of Caesar . Caesar noticed that the
Found entity "Sequani" in context ". Caesar noticed that the
 Sequani were the only people"
Found entity "Wondering" in context "on the
 earth in sadness. Wondering what was the reason"
Found entity "No" in context "conduct, he inquired of
 themselves. No reply did the Sequani"
Found entity "Sequani" in context "themselves. No reply did the Sequani make, but silently continued
Found entity "When" in context "continued
 in the same sadness. When he had repeatedly inquired"
Found entity "Divitiacus" in context "answer at all, the same Divitiacus the
 Aeduan answered, that-"the"
Found entity "Aeduan" in context "all, the same Divitiacus the
 Aeduan answered, that-"the lot of"
Found entity "Sequani" in context "answered, that-"the lot of the Sequani was
 more wretched and"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "shuddered at the
 cruelty of Ariovistus [even when] absent, just"
Found entity "Sequani" in context "must be endured by the Sequani , who
 had admitted"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "Sequani , who
 had admitted Ariovistus within their territories, and"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "were all in his power." Caesar , on being informed"
Found entity "Gauls" in context "cheered the
 minds of the Gauls with his words, and"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "he had great hopes
 that Ariovistus , induced both by"
Found entity "After" in context "an end to his oppression. After delivering this speech, he"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "as he
 saw that the Aedui , styled [as they"
Found entity "Germans" in context "thraldom and dominion of the
 Germans , and understood that"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "that their hostages were
 with Ariovistus and the Sequani ,"
Found entity "Sequani" in context "were
 with Ariovistus and the Sequani , which in so"
Found entity "Roman" in context "empire [as that] of the Roman people he considered
Found entity "That," in context "to himself and the republic. That, moreover, the Germans should"
Found entity "Germans" in context "the republic. That, moreover, the Germans should by degrees become"
Found entity "Rhine" in context "become accustomed to cross
 the Rhine , and that a"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "of them should come into Gaul , he saw [would
Found entity "Roman" in context "[would
 be] dangerous to the Roman people, and judged, that
Found entity "Gaul" in context "had
 possessed themselves of all Gaul , from going forth"
Found entity "Italy" in context "province and thence marching into Italy (as the
 Cimbri and"
Found entity "Cimbri" in context "marching into Italy (as the
 Cimbri and Teutones had done"
Found entity "Teutones" in context "Italy (as the
 Cimbri and Teutones had done before them),
Found entity "Rhone" in context "before them),
 particularly as the Rhone [was the sole barrier"
Found entity "Sequani" in context "sole barrier that] separated the Sequani from our
 province. Against"
Found entity "Against" in context "the Sequani from our
 province. Against which events he thought"
Found entity "Moreover," in context "provide as speedily as
 possible. Moreover, Ariovistus , for his"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "as speedily as
 possible. Moreover, Ariovistus , for his part,"
Found entity "He" in context "felt to be quite insufferable.
 He therefore determined to send"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "determined to send embassadors to Ariovistus to demand
 of him"
Found entity "To" in context "importance to both of them. To this embassy Ariovistus replied,
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "of them. To this embassy Ariovistus replied,
 that if he"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "need of any thing from Caesar , he would have"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "to him; and that if Caesar wanted any thing from"
Found entity "That,
" in context "ought to come to him. That,
 besides, neither dare he"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "army into those parts of Gaul which Caesar had possession"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "those parts of Gaul which Caesar had possession of, nor
Found entity "Caesar" in context "appeared strange, what business either Caesar or the Roman people"
Found entity "Roman" in context "business either Caesar or the Roman people at
 all had"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "all had in his own Gaul , which he had"
Found entity "When" in context "he had conquered in
 war. When these answers were reported"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "these answers were reported to Caesar , he sends
Found entity ""Since," in context "second time with this message. "Since, after having been
Found entity "Roman" in context "kindness by himself and the Roman people (as he had"
Found entity "B.C.])," in context "by the senate [ 59 B.C.]), he makes this
Found entity "Caesar" in context "makes this
 recompense to [ Caesar ] himself and the"
Found entity "Roman" in context "Caesar ] himself and the Roman people, [viz.] that when"
Found entity "Rhine" in context "body of men across the Rhine into Gaul ; in"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "men across the Rhine into Gaul ; in the next"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "which he has from the Aedui , and grant the
Found entity "Sequani" in context "Aedui , and grant the
 Sequani permission to restore to"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "that he neither provoke the Aedui by
 outrage nor make"
Found entity "[Caesar" in context "he would accordingly do
 this," [Caesar says] that "he himself"
Found entity "Roman" in context "that "he himself and the Roman people will entertain a"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "but that if he [ Caesar ] does not
Found entity "Marcus
" in context "as in the consulship of Marcus
 Messala and Marcus Piso"
Found entity "Messala" in context "in the consulship of Marcus
 Messala and Marcus Piso ["
Found entity "Marcus" in context "consulship of Marcus
 Messala and Marcus Piso [ 61 
Found entity "Piso" in context "of Marcus
 Messala and Marcus Piso [ 61 
Found entity "B.C.]" in context "Marcus Piso [ 61 
 B.C.] the senate had decreed"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "administration of the
 province of Gaul should, as far as"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "of the republic, protect the
 Aedui and the other friends"
Found entity "Roman" in context "the other friends of the Roman people), will not overlook"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "overlook the wrongs of the
 Aedui ." To this Ariovistus"
Found entity "To" in context "wrongs of the
 Aedui ." To this Ariovistus replied, that"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "the
 Aedui ." To this Ariovistus replied, that "the right"
Found entity "Roman" in context "that in that way the Roman people were
 wont to"
Found entity "If" in context "according to their own discretion. If he for his
Found entity "Roman" in context "did not dictate to the Roman people as to the
Found entity "Roman" in context "to be obstructed
 by the Roman people in his right;"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "in his right; that the
 Aedui , inasmuch as they"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "become tributaries to him; that Caesar was doing a great"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "restore their hostages to the Aedui , but should not"
Found entity "Roman" in context "continue to do
 that, the Roman people's name of 'brothers'"
Found entity "As" in context "'brothers' would
 avail them naught. As to Caesar 's threatening"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "avail them naught. As to Caesar 's threatening him, that
Found entity "Aedui" in context "overlook the wrongs of the Aedui , [he said] that"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "a contest with him [ Ariovistus ] without
 utter ruin"
Found entity "That" in context "without
 utter ruin to himself. That Caesar might enter the
Found entity "Caesar" in context "utter ruin to himself. That Caesar might enter the
Found entity "Germans" in context "would feel what the invincible Germans , well-trained [as they"
Found entity "At" in context "could achieve by their valor."
 At the same time that"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "this message was delivered to Caesar , embassadors came from"
Found entity "Aedui" in context ", embassadors came from the Aedui and the Treviri ;"
Found entity "Treviri" in context "from the Aedui and the Treviri ; from the Aedui"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "the Treviri ; from the Aedui to complain that the"
Found entity "Harudes" in context "Aedui to complain that the Harudes ,
 who had lately"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "lately been brought over into Gaul , were ravaging their
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "able to purchase peace from
 Ariovistus , even by giving"
Found entity "Treviri" in context "giving hostages: and from the Treviri , [to state] that"
Found entity "Suevi" in context "a hundred cantons of the Suevi had
 encamped on the"
Found entity "Rhine" in context "on the banks of the Rhine , and were attempting"
Found entity "Nasuas" in context "cross it; that the brothers, Nasuas 
 and Cimberius ,"
Found entity "Cimberius" in context "the brothers, Nasuas 
 and Cimberius , headed them. Being"
Found entity "Being" in context "and Cimberius , headed them. Being greatly alarmed at these"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "greatly alarmed at these things,
 Caesar thought that he ought"
Found entity "Suevi" in context "if this new band of Suevi should unite with the"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "with the old troops of
 Ariovistus , he [ Ariovistus"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "of
 Ariovistus , he [ Ariovistus ] might be less"
Found entity "Having" in context "might be less easily
 withstood. Having therefore, as quickly as"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "of corn,
 he hastened to Ariovistus by forced marches. When"
Found entity "When" in context "to Ariovistus by forced marches. When he had proceeded three"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "was brought to him that
 Ariovistus was hastening with all"
Found entity "Vesontio" in context "his forces to seize on Vesontio , which is the"
Found entity "Sequani" in context "the largest town of the Sequani , and had advanced
Found entity "Caesar" in context "days' journey from its territories. Caesar 
 thought that he"
Found entity "Doubs" in context "war, inasmuch as the river Doubs almost surrounds the whole"
Found entity "A" in context "with
 a pair of compasses. A mountain of great height"
Found entity "A
" in context "river's bank on either side. A
 wall thrown around it"
Found entity "Hither" in context "connects it with
 the town. Hither Caesar hastens by forced"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "it with
 the town. Hither Caesar hastens by forced marches"
Found entity "While" in context "town, stations a garrison there.
 While he is tarrying a"
Found entity "Vesontio" in context "tarrying a few days at Vesontio , on account of"
Found entity "Gauls" in context "and
 the reports of the Gauls and traders (who asserted
Found entity "Germans" in context "traders (who asserted
 that the Germans were men of huge"
Found entity "This" in context "all in no slight degree. This first arose from the"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "the rest, who, having followed Caesar from the city ["
Found entity "Rome" in context "Caesar from the city [ Rome ] from motives of"
Found entity "And" in context "great experience in military
 affairs. And alleging, some of them"
Found entity "These" in context "avoid the suspicion of cowardice. These could neither compose
Found entity "Wills" in context "their comrades the general
 danger. Wills were sealed universally throughout"
Found entity "By" in context "universally throughout the whole camp. By the
 expressions and cowardice"
Found entity "Such" in context "the cavalry, were gradually disconcerted. Such of them as
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "which lay
 between them and Ariovistus , or else that"
Found entity "Some" in context "be
 brought up readily enough. Some even declared to Caesar"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "enough. Some even declared to Caesar , that when he"
Found entity "When" in context "in
 consequence of their fear. When Caesar observed these things,"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "consequence of their fear. When Caesar observed these things, having"
Found entity "That" in context "marching, or with what
 object. That Ariovistus , during his"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "or with what
 object. That Ariovistus , during his [Caesar"
Found entity "[Caesar" in context "That Ariovistus , during his [Caesar 's]
 consulship [ 59"
Found entity "B.C.]," in context "[Caesar 's]
 consulship [ 59 B.C.], had most anxiously sought"
Found entity "Roman" in context "after
 the friendship of the Roman people; why should any
Found entity "He" in context "rashly depart from his duty? He for his part was
Found entity "Roman" in context "reject neither his nor the Roman 
 people's favor. But"
Found entity "But" in context "the Roman 
 people's favor. But even if, driven on"
Found entity "Of" in context "valor or of his zeal? Of that enemy a trial"
Found entity "Cimbri" in context "on the defeat of the Cimbri and
 Teutones by Caius"
Found entity "Teutones" in context "defeat of the Cimbri and
 Teutones by Caius Marius ,"
Found entity "Caius" in context "the Cimbri and
 Teutones by Caius Marius , the army"
Found entity "Marius" in context "Cimbri and
 Teutones by Caius Marius , the army was"
Found entity "It" in context "praise than their commander himself. It had been made
Found entity "Italy" in context "been made
 lately, too, in Italy , during the
Found entity "From" in context "us, assisted in some respect. From which a judgment might"
Found entity "In" in context "armed and flushed with success. In short, that these were
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "the same men whom the Helvetii , in frequent
Found entity "German]" in context "but also in theirs [the
 German] , have generally vanquished,"
Found entity "If" in context "a
 match for our army. If the unsuccessful battle and"
Found entity "Gauls" in context "battle and flight of the Gauls disquieted any, these, if"
Found entity "Gauls" in context "might discover that, when the Gauls had been tired
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "long duration of the war, Ariovistus , after he had"
Found entity "But" in context "stratagem and
 cunning than valor. But though there had been"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "unskilled men, not even [ Ariovistus ] himself expected
Found entity "That" in context "our armies could be entrapped. That those who ascribed their"
Found entity "That" in context "or to dictate to him. That these things were his"
Found entity "Sequani" in context "were his concern;
 that the Sequani , the Leuci ,"
Found entity "Leuci" in context "that the Sequani , the Leuci , and the Lingones"
Found entity "Lingones" in context "the Leuci , and the Lingones were to furnish the"
Found entity "As" in context "able to judge for themselves. As to its
 being reported"
Found entity "His" in context "been clearly proved [against them]. His integrity had been seen
Found entity "Helvetii" in context "in the war with the Helvetii . That he would"
Found entity "That" in context "war with the Helvetii . That he would therefore instantly"
Found entity "But" in context "had more influence
 with them. But that, if no one"
Found entity "This" in context "should be his praetorian
 cohort." This legion Caesar had both"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "his praetorian
 cohort." This legion Caesar had both greatly favored,
Found entity "Upon" in context "valor, placed the greatest confidence. Upon the delivery of this"
Found entity "Then," in context "ready to prosecute the war. Then, the
 other legions endeavored,"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "companies, to excuse themselves to Caesar , [saying] that they"
Found entity "Having" in context "theirs and not
 their general's. Having accepted their excuse, and"
Found entity "Divitiacus" in context "the road carefully
 reconnoitered by Divitiacus , because in him"
Found entity "On" in context "he had said [he would]. On the seventh day, as"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "scouts that the forces of Ariovistus 
 were only four"
Found entity "Upon" in context "twenty miles distant from ours. Upon being apprized of Caesar"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "ours. Upon being apprized of Caesar 's arrival,
 Ariovistus sends"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "apprized of Caesar 's arrival,
 Ariovistus sends embassadors to him,"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "take place, since he [ Caesar ] had approached nearer,
Found entity "Caesar" in context "now do it without danger. Caesar did not reject the"
Found entity "Roman" in context "of his own and the Roman 
 people's great favors"
Found entity "The" in context "his demands being made known. The fifth day after that"
Found entity "Meanwhile," in context "as the day of conference. Meanwhile, as ambassadors were being"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "to and fro between them, Ariovistus demanded that Caesar should"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "between them, Ariovistus demanded that Caesar should not bring any"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "come
 on any other condition." Caesar , as he neither"
Found entity "Gauls" in context "to the cavalry of the Gauls ,
 decided that it"
Found entity "Gallic" in context "to take away from the
 Gallic cavalry all their horses,"
Found entity "And" in context "be any need for action. And when this was done,"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "a touch of humor, "that Caesar did more for them"
Found entity "There" in context "now converted
 them into horse." There was a large plain,"
Found entity "This
" in context "of earth of considerable size. This
 spot was at nearly"
Found entity "Thither" in context "equal distance from both camps. Thither , as
 had been"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "they came for the conference. Caesar stationed the legion, which"
Found entity "The" in context "200 paces from this mound. The cavalry of Ariovistus 
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "this mound. The cavalry of Ariovistus 
 also took their"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "stand at an equal distance. Ariovistus then
 demanded that they"
Found entity "When" in context "men each to the conference. When they were come
Found entity "Caesar" in context "were come
 to the place, Caesar , in the opening"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "senate's favors toward him [ Ariovistus ],
 in that he"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "and munificence of himself [ Caesar ] and the senate."
Found entity "He" in context "Caesar ] and the senate. He informed him too, how"
Found entity "Romans]" in context "that existed between themselves [the
 Romans] and the Aedui ,"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "themselves [the
 Romans] and the Aedui , what decrees of"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "how from
 time immemorial the Aedui had held the supremacy"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "supremacy of the whole of
 Gaul ; even [said Caesar]"
Found entity "Caesar]" in context "of
 Gaul ; even [said Caesar] before they had sought"
Found entity "Roman" in context "was the custom of the Roman 
 people to desire"
Found entity "Roman" in context "to the friendship of the Roman people should be torn"
Found entity "He" in context "should be torn from them?" He then made
 the same"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "embassadors to make, that
 [ Ariovistus ] should not make"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "make war either upon the
 Aedui or their allies, that"
Found entity "Germans" in context "country any part of the Germans , he should at"
Found entity "Rhine" in context "any more to cross the Rhine . Ariovistus briefly replied"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "to cross the Rhine . Ariovistus briefly replied to the"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "replied to the demands of Caesar ; but expatiated largely"
Found entity "Rhine" in context ""that he had
 crossed the Rhine not of his own"
Found entity "Gauls" in context "and sent for by the Gauls ; that he had"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "that he had settlements in Gaul , granted by the"
Found entity "Gauls" in context "Gaul , granted by the Gauls themselves;
 that the hostages"
Found entity "Gauls" in context "not made war upon the Gauls , but the Gauls"
Found entity "Gauls" in context "the Gauls , but the Gauls upon him; that all"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "that all the states of Gaul came to attack him,"
Found entity "That" in context "paid up to that time. That the friendship of the"
Found entity "Roman" in context "That the friendship of the Roman people ought to prove"
Found entity "But" in context "sought it with that expectation. But if
 through the Roman"
Found entity "Roman" in context "expectation. But if
 through the Roman people the tribute was"
Found entity "Roman" in context "renounce the friendship of the Roman people no less
Found entity "As" in context "than he had sought it. As to his leading over"
Found entity "Germans" in context "leading over a host of Germans into Gaul , that"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "a host of Germans into Gaul , that he was"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "securing himself, not of assaulting Gaul : that there
Found entity "That" in context "but merely warded it off. That he had come into"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "That he had come into Gaul before the Roman people."
Found entity "Roman" in context "come into Gaul before the Roman people. That never
Found entity "That" in context "Gaul before the Roman people. That never
 before this time"
Found entity "Roman" in context "before this time did a Roman army go beyond the
Found entity "Gaul" in context "frontiers of the province of Gaul . What [said he]"
Found entity "What" in context "the province of Gaul . What [said he] does ["
Found entity "Caesar" in context "What [said he] does [ Caesar ] desire?- why come"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "why come into his
 [ Ariovistus ] domains?-that this was"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "this was his province of Gaul , just as that"
Found entity "As" in context "just as that is ours. As it ought not to"
Found entity "As" in context "obstruct him in his prerogative. As for Caesar 's saying"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "in his prerogative. As for Caesar 's saying that the"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "Caesar 's saying that the Aedui had been styled
Found entity "Aedui" in context "not to know that the Aedui in the very last"
Found entity "Allobroges" in context "very last war with the
 Allobroges had neither rendered assistance"
Found entity "Romans" in context "neither rendered assistance to the Romans , nor received any"
Found entity "Roman" in context "nor received any from the Roman people in the struggles"
Found entity "Aedui" in context "in the struggles which the Aedui had been
 maintaining with"
Found entity "Sequani" in context "with him and with the Sequani . He must feel"
Found entity "He" in context "and with the Sequani . He must feel suspicious,
Found entity "Caesar" in context "He must feel suspicious,
 that Caesar , though feigning friendship"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "his keeping an army in Gaul , was keeping it"
Found entity "And" in context "the
 view of crushing him. And that unless he depart"
Found entity "Roman" in context "and
 leading men of the Roman people; he had assurance"
Found entity "[Caesar" in context "of them all by his [Caesar 's] death. But if"
Found entity "But" in context "by his [Caesar 's] death. But if he would
Found entity "Gaul" in context "him the free possession of Gaul , he would
Found entity "Many" in context "trouble or risk to him." Many things were stated by"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "Many things were stated by Caesar to the effect [to
Found entity "Roman" in context "that neither his nor the Roman people's practice would suffer"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "nor did he deem that Gaul belonged to
 Ariovistus rather"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "deem that Gaul belonged to
 Ariovistus rather than to the"
Found entity "Roman" in context "Ariovistus rather than to the Roman 
 people; that the"
Found entity "Arverni" in context "Roman 
 people; that the Arverni and the Ruteni had"
Found entity "Ruteni" in context "that the Arverni and the Ruteni had been
 subdued in"
Found entity "Quintus" in context "been
 subdued in war by Quintus Fabius Maximus , and"
Found entity "Fabius" in context "subdued in war by Quintus Fabius Maximus , and that"
Found entity "Maximus" in context "in war by Quintus Fabius Maximus , and that the"
Found entity "Roman" in context "Maximus , and that the Roman people had pardoned them"
Found entity "And" in context "imposed a tribute upon them. And if the most ancient"
Found entity "Roman" in context "was the sovereignty of the Roman people in Gaul most"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "of the Roman people in Gaul most just: if the"
Found entity "Senate" in context "if the decree of
 the Senate was to be observed,"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "to be observed, then ought Gaul to be free, which"
Found entity "Romans]" in context "be free, which they [the
 Romans] had conquered in war,"
Found entity "While" in context "to enjoy its
 own laws." While these things are being"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "conference it was announced to
 Caesar that the cavalry of"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "Caesar that the cavalry of Ariovistus 
 were approaching nearer"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "stones and weapons at them. Caesar made an end of"
Found entity "For" in context "a weapon upon the enemy. For though he saw that"
Found entity "When" in context "the sanction of a conference. When it was
 spread abroad"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "common soldiery with what haughtiness
 Ariovistus had behaved at the"
Found entity "Romans" in context "how he had
 ordered the Romans to quit Gaul ,"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "ordered the Romans to quit Gaul , and how his
Found entity "Two" in context "was infused into
 our army. Two days after, Ariovistus sends"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "our army. Two days after, Ariovistus sends embassadors to Caesar"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "after, Ariovistus sends embassadors to Caesar , to state "that"
Found entity "There" in context "as an embassador to him." There did not appear to"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "There did not appear to Caesar any good reason for"
Found entity "Germans" in context "as
 the day before the Germans could not be restrained
Found entity "He" in context "casting weapons at our men. He thought he should not"
Found entity "Roman" in context "embassador one of his [ Roman ]
 officers, and should"
Found entity "It" in context "expose him to savage men. It seemed [therefore] most proper
Found entity "C." in context "proper
 to send to him C. Valerius Procillus , the"
Found entity "Valerius" in context "to send to him C. Valerius Procillus , the son"
Found entity "Procillus" in context "send to him C. Valerius Procillus , the son of"
Found entity "C." in context "Procillus , the son of C. Valerius Caburus , a"
Found entity "Valerius" in context ", the son of C. Valerius Caburus , a young"
Found entity "Caburus" in context "the son of C. Valerius Caburus , a young man"
Found entity "C." in context "freedom of the
 city by C. Valerius Flaccus ), both"
Found entity "Valerius" in context "of the
 city by C. Valerius Flaccus ), both on"
Found entity "Flaccus" in context "the
 city by C. Valerius Flaccus ), both on account"
Found entity "Gallic" in context "of his knowledge of the Gallic language,
 which Ariovistus ,"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "of the Gallic language,
 which Ariovistus , by long practice,"
Found entity "Germans" in context "because
 in his case the Germans would have no motive"
Found entity "M." in context "violence; and [as his colleague] M. Mettius ,
 who had"
Found entity "Mettius" in context "and [as his colleague] M. Mettius ,
 who had shared"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "had shared the hospitality of Ariovistus . He commissioned them
Found entity "He" in context "the hospitality of Ariovistus . He commissioned them
 to learn"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "commissioned them
 to learn what Ariovistus had to say, and"
Found entity "But" in context "and to report to him. But when
 Ariovistus saw them"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "report to him. But when
 Ariovistus saw them before him"
Found entity ""Why" in context "the
 presence of his army, "Why were they come to"
Found entity "Was" in context "were they come to him? Was it for the purpose"
Found entity "He" in context "purpose of
 acting as spies?" He stopped them when attempting"
Found entity "The" in context "and cast them into
 chains. The same day he moved"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "a hill six miles from
 Caesar 's camp. The day"
Found entity "The" in context "miles from
 Caesar 's camp. The day following he led"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "he led his forces
 past Caesar 's camp, and encamped"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "that he might cut off Caesar from the
 corn and"
Found entity "Sequani" in context "conveyed to him from the
 Sequani and the Aedui ."
Found entity "Aedui" in context "from the
 Sequani and the Aedui . For five successive"
Found entity "For" in context "Sequani and the Aedui . For five successive days
Found entity "Caesar" in context "successive days
 from that day, Caesar drew out his forces"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "in battle order, that, if Ariovistus should be
 willing to"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "not be wanting to him.
 Ariovistus all this time kept"
Found entity "The" in context "engaged
 daily in cavalry skirmishes. The method of battle in"
Found entity "Germans" in context "of battle in which the Germans had practiced themselves was"
Found entity "There" in context "had practiced themselves was this. There were
 6,000 horse, and"
Found entity "By" in context "army for his own protection. By these [foot]
 they were"
Found entity "Perceiving" in context "keep pace with their speed. Perceiving that Ariovistus kept himself"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "with their speed. Perceiving that Ariovistus kept himself in camp,"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "Ariovistus kept himself in camp, Caesar , that he might"
Found entity "Germans" in context "that place in which the Germans had encamped, at about"
Found entity "He" in context "lines, marched to that place. He ordered the
 first and"
Found entity "This
" in context "third to fortify the camp. This
 place was distant from"
Found entity "Thither" in context "paces, as has been stated.
 Thither Ariovistus sent light troops,"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "as has been stated.
 Thither Ariovistus sent light troops, about"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "hinder them in their fortification. Caesar 
 nevertheless, as he"
Found entity "The" in context "third to execute the work. The camp being fortified, he"
Found entity "The" in context "legions into the larger camp. The next day, according to"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "day, according to his custom, Caesar led out
 his forces"
Found entity "When
" in context "enemy an opportunity of fighting. When
 he found that they"
Found entity "Then" in context "army into camp about noon. Then at last Ariovistus sent
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "about noon. Then at last Ariovistus sent
 part of his"
Found entity "The" in context "to attack the lesser camp. The battle was vigorously
Found entity "At" in context "both sides till the evening. At sunset, after many wounds"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "had been
 inflicted and received, Ariovistus led back his forces"
Found entity "When" in context "back his forces into camp.
 When Caesar inquired of his"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "his forces into camp.
 When Caesar inquired of his prisoners,"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "inquired of his prisoners, wherefore
 Ariovistus did not come to"
Found entity "Germans" in context "be the reason-that among the Germans it was the
Found entity "Germans" in context "will of heaven that the Germans should
 conquer, if they"
Found entity "The" in context "battle before the new moon." The day following, Caesar left"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "new moon." The day following, Caesar left what seemed sufficient"
Found entity "He" in context "of his auxiliaries for appearance. He himself, having drawn up"
Found entity "Then" in context "the camp of the enemy. Then at last of necessity"
Found entity "Germans" in context "at last of necessity the
 Germans drew their forces out"
Found entity "Harudes" in context "canton, at equal distances, the Harudes ,
 Marcomanni , Tribocci"
Found entity "Marcomanni" in context "equal distances, the Harudes ,
 Marcomanni , Tribocci , Vangiones"
Found entity "Tribocci" in context "the Harudes ,
 Marcomanni , Tribocci , Vangiones ,
Found entity "Vangiones" in context ",
 Marcomanni , Tribocci , Vangiones ,
 Nemetes , Sedusii"
Found entity "Nemetes" in context ", Tribocci , Vangiones ,
 Nemetes , Sedusii , Suevi"
Found entity "Sedusii" in context ", Vangiones ,
 Nemetes , Sedusii , Suevi ; and
Found entity "Suevi" in context ",
 Nemetes , Sedusii , Suevi ; and
 surrounded their"
Found entity "On" in context "might
 be left in flight. On these they placed their"
Found entity "Romans" in context "them into slavery to the Romans . Caesar appointed over"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "slavery to the Romans . Caesar appointed over each legion"
Found entity "He" in context "as witnesses of his valor. He himself
 began the battle"
Found entity "Accordingly" in context "to be the least strong. Accordingly our men, upon the"
Found entity "Throwing" in context "casting the javelins at
 them. Throwing aside [therefore] their javelins,"
Found entity "But" in context "with swords hand to
 hand. But the Germans , according"
Found entity "Germans" in context "hand to
 hand. But the Germans , according to their"
Found entity "There" in context "the attack of our swords. There were found
 very many"
Found entity "Although" in context "wounded the enemy from above. Although the army of the
Found entity "On
" in context "great number of their troops. On
 observing which, P. Crassus"
Found entity "P." in context "their troops. On
 observing which, P. Crassus , a young"
Found entity "Crassus" in context "troops. On
 observing which, P. Crassus , a young man,"
Found entity "Thereupon" in context "men who were in distress.
 Thereupon the engagement was renewed,"
Found entity "Rhine" in context "they arrived at the river Rhine , about fifty miles"
Found entity "There" in context "fifty miles from that place. There some few, either relying"
Found entity "Among" in context "finding boats, procured their
 safety. Among the latter was Ariovistus"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "safety. Among the latter was Ariovistus , who meeting with"
Found entity "Ariovistus" in context "all the rest
 of them. Ariovistus had two wives, one"
Found entity "Suevan" in context "had two wives, one a Suevan by
 nation, whom he"
Found entity "Norican" in context "from home; the other a Norican ,
 the sister of"
Found entity "Vocion" in context ",
 the sister of king Vocion , whom he had"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "whom he had married in Gaul , she having been"
Found entity "Both" in context "that purpose] by her
 brother. Both perished in that flight."
Found entity "Of" in context "Both perished in that flight. Of their two daughters, one"
Found entity "C." in context "was slain,
 the other captured. C. Valerius Procillus , as"
Found entity "Valerius" in context "slain,
 the other captured. C. Valerius Procillus , as he"
Found entity "Procillus" in context "the other captured. C. Valerius Procillus , as he was
Found entity "Caesar" in context "fell into
 the hands of Caesar himself, as he was"
Found entity "This" in context "the
 enemy with his cavalry. This circumstance indeed afforded Caesar"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "cavalry. This circumstance indeed afforded Caesar no less pleasure than"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "rank in the province of Gaul , his intimate acquaintance
Found entity "He" in context "that day] by his
 destruction. He [Procillus] said that, in"
Found entity "[Procillus]" in context "day] by his
 destruction. He [Procillus] said that, in his"
Found entity "M." in context "the
 lots he was uninjured. M. Mettius , also, was"
Found entity "Mettius" in context "lots he was uninjured. M. Mettius , also, was found"
Found entity "[Caesar" in context "and
 brought back to him [Caesar .] This battle having"
Found entity "This" in context "back to him [Caesar .] This battle having been reported"
Found entity "Rhine" in context "having been reported beyond the Rhine , the Suevi ,"
Found entity "Suevi" in context "beyond the Rhine , the Suevi , who had come"
Found entity "Ubii" in context "to return home, when the Ubii , who dwelt nearest"
Found entity "Rhine" in context "who dwelt nearest to the Rhine , pursuing them, while"
Found entity "Caesar" in context "a great number of them. Caesar having concluded two very"
Found entity "Sequani" in context "into winter quarters among the
 Sequani , a little earlier"
Found entity "He
" in context "season of the year required. He
 appointed Labienus over the"
Found entity "Labienus" in context "the year required. He
 appointed Labienus over the winter-quarters, and"
Found entity "Hither" in context "set out in person
 for Hither Gaul to hold the"
Found entity "Gaul" in context "out in person
 for Hither Gaul to hold the assizes."

In [49]:

[('All', 'Entity'),
 ('Gaul', 'Entity'),
 ('is', 'O'),
 ('divided', 'O'),
 ('into', 'O'),
 ('three', 'O'),
 ('parts,', 'O'),
 ('one', 'O'),
 ('of', 'O'),
 ('which', 'O'),
 ('the', 'O'),
 ('Belgae', 'Entity'),
 ('inhabit,', 'O'),
 ('the', 'O'),
 ('Aquitani', 'Entity'),
 ('\n', 'O'),
 ('another,', 'O'),
 ('those', 'O'),
 ('who', 'O'),
 ('in', 'O'),
 ('their', 'O'),
 ('own', 'O'),
 ('language', 'O'),
 ('are', 'O'),
 ('called', 'O'),
 ('Celts', 'Entity'),
 (',', 'O'),
 ('in', 'O'),
 ('our', 'O'),
 ('Gauls', 'Entity'),
 (',', 'O'),
 ('the', 'O'),
 ('third.', 'O'),
 ('All', 'Entity'),
 ('these\n', 'O'),
 ('differ', 'O'),
 ('from', 'O'),
 ('each', 'O'),
 ('other', 'O'),
 ('in', 'O'),
 ('language,', 'O'),
 ('customs', 'O'),
 ('and', 'O'),
 ('laws.', 'O'),
 ('The', 'Entity'),
 ('river', 'O'),
 ('Garonne', 'Entity'),
 ('separates', 'O'),
 ('the', 'O'),
 ('Gauls', 'Entity')]

NER with CLTK ( = Classical Language ToolKit )

The CLTK library has some basic support for the extraction of named entities from Latin and Greek texts (see CLTK's documentation).

The current implementation (as of version 0.1.47) uses a lookup-based method.

For each token in a text, the tagger checks whether that token is contained within a predefined list of possible named entities:

Let's run CLTK's tagger (it takes a moment):

In [ ]:
tagged_text_cltk = tag_ner('latin', input_text=de_bello_gallico_book1)

Let's have a look at the ouput, only the first 10 tokens (by using the list slicing notation):

In [ ]:

The output looks slightly different from the one of our baseline function (the size of the tuples in the list varies).

But we can write a function to fix this, we call it reshape_cltk_output:

In [ ]:
def reshape_cltk_output(tagged_tokens):
    reshaped_output = []
    for tagged_token in tagged_tokens:
            reshaped_output.append((tagged_token[0], "O"))
            reshaped_output.append((tagged_token[0], tagged_token[1]))
    return reshaped_output

We apply this function to CLTK's output:

In [ ]:
tagged_text_cltk = reshape_cltk_output(tagged_text_cltk)

And the resulting output looks now ok:

In [ ]:

Now let's compare the two list of tagged tokens by using a python function called zip, which allows us to read multiple lists simultaneously:

In [ ]:
list(zip(tagged_text_baseline[:20], tagged_text_cltk_reshaped[:20]))

But, as you can see, the two lists are not aligned.

This is due to how the CLTK function tokenises the text. The comma after "tres" becomes a token on its own, whereas when we tokenise by white space the comma is attached to "tres" (i.e. "tres,").

A solution to this is to pass to the tag_ner function the text already tokenised by text.

In [ ]:
tagged_text_cltk = reshape_cltk_output(tag_ner('latin', input_text=de_bello_gallico_book1.split(" ")))

In [54]:
list(zip(tagged_text_baseline[:20], tagged_text_cltk[:20]))

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-54-b71e709c7c1b> in <module>()
----> 1 list(zip(tagged_text_baseline[:20], tagged_text_cltk[:20]))

NameError: name 'tagged_text_cltk' is not defined

NER with NLTK (= Natural Language ToolKit)

In [51]:
stanford_model_english = "/opt/nlp/stanford-tools/stanford-ner-2015-12-09/classifiers/english.muc.7class.distsim.crf.ser.gz"

ner_tagger = StanfordNERTagger(stanford_model_english)

In [52]:
tagged_text_nltk = ner_tagger.tag(de_bello_gallico_book1.split(" "))

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-52-3b13c31b6f90> in <module>()
----> 1 tagged_text_nltk = ner_tagger.tag(de_bello_gallico_book1.split(" "))

NameError: name 'ner_tagger' is not defined

Let's have a look at the output

In [53]:

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-53-f14bfdc31ed8> in <module>()
----> 1 tagged_text_nltk[:20]

NameError: name 'tagged_text_nltk' is not defined

In [ ]:
# Wrap up

At this point we can "compare" the output of the three different methods we used, again by using the zip function.

In [ ]:
list(zip(tagged_text_baseline[:20], tagged_text_cltk[:20], tagged_text_nltk[:20]))

In [ ]:
for baseline_out, cltk_out, nltk_out in zip(tagged_text_baseline[:20], tagged_text_cltk[:20], tagged_text_nltk[:20]):
    print("Baseline: %s\nCLTK: %s\nNLTK: %s\n"%(baseline_out, cltk_out, nltk_out))


Extract the named entities from the English translation of the De Bello Gallico book 1.

The CTS URN for this translation is urn:cts:latinLit:phi0448.phi001.perseus-eng2:1.

In [ ]:
# Modify the code above to use the English model of the Stanford tagger instead of the italian one.


In [ ]:
stanford_model_english = "/opt/nlp/stanford-tools/stanford-ner-2015-12-09/classifiers/english.muc.7class.distsim.crf.ser.gz"